Together, We Can Make A Difference!

As a recognized business leader that invests generously in our community, you are invited into a valued partnership with The Summit to cultivate mental wellness and wellbeing throughout Greater North Atlanta.

With your support, we envision a community where everyone, without exception will have full access to professional behavioral healthcare services. Together, we can make a difference by removing the barriers to Awareness, Accessibility, and Affordability that stand in the way of social, emotional and mental well-being for our community.

Will You Join Us?

Together, with your help, we can make a BIG difference in the emotional wellness of our community.

For sponsorship info contact Rachel Newcomer at (770) 605-4504 or

Our 2024 Business Sponsors

Andy & Margaret Gibson

Biggby logo

Cindy Weaver

Connie McIntyre

Ed & Louise Distler

Fran & Mary Millar

Griffin Insurance logo

Jim & Kathie Pope

John & Rhonda O’Donnell

Justin & Laura Hester

Kamond & Danielle Cheung

Marshall & Terri Turner

Michael & Elizabeth Thompson

Paul Rozeman

Powers Family Foundation

Quentin & Cynthia Jones

Renasant Bank

Scott & Stacy Vansant

Steve & Sue Korb

The Schilling Family

XMedica logo

“ I’m extremely proud of the work we’ve done together (Fulton County Government and The Summit) in driving and really breaking down the conversation around mental health as well as breaking down the barriers to awareness, accessibility and affordability and ensuring that all the citizens of North Fulton have quality behavioral healthcare.”

Commissioner Bob Ellis, District 2, Fulton County Government

“ Through our partnership with The Summit our students are able to access both on-campus and off-campus mental wellness services and other life-saving support. When it comes to educating the whole child, we simply cannot do this work without them.”

Dr. Chris Matthews, Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services, Fulton County Schools