The Collaborative - North Fulton Mental Health

North Fulton County Mental Health Collaborative

The North Fulton Mental Health Collaborative is normalizing the conversation surrounding mental health through engaging community leaders and families in an on-going dialogue to promote mental health awareness and suicide prevention in our faith communities, schools, businesses, and community at large.

Follow North Fulton Mental Health Collaborative on Facebook for the latest events and information.


Thank You

Summit thanks Alpharetta First UMC, the 2022 Fulton County Community Services Program, and the Frances Wood Wilson Foundation for their support of the NFMHC.

Frances Wood Wilson Foundation

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The No Shame Movement seeks to end stigma and change the conversation surrounding addiction and the mental health challenges that contribute to it.Want to do your part and join the Movement? Commit to curiosity over criticism, kindness over canceling, and healing over hating. Let’s support people in recovery and help stop the stigma. The One Roswell Coalition, Pathways2Life and SAFE Project are partnering to #endstigma #NoShameRoswell #MentalHealthAwareness #mentalhealthmatters #recovery #recoveryispossible #addictionrecovery #addiction #addictionawareness #healthandwellness #bekind #noshame #support ... See MoreSee Less
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Photos from Summit Counseling Center - Atlanta's post ... See MoreSee Less
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2/29/2024 Meeting: Recognizing & Responding to Behavioral Addictions