Whether your relationship is on the rocks or rock solid, all couples can benefit from relationship counseling.

Our therapists are here to collaborate with you and your significant other to restore and/or solidify your relationship as you work through some of the following issues:

  • Getting engaged/married for the first time
  • Blending families from a previous marriage
  • Experiencing intimacy issues
  • Experiencing life after children
  • Experiencing life after retirement
  • Contemplating divorce

Our marriage and family therapists are ready to start working with you to address many of the following areas:

Clinical Services

Our goal is to help you assess your need for addiction services by determining the level of care that best fits you. Our addiction specialists provide assessments, education, support, intervention, therapy, recovery planning, and accountability.

Navigating the Season of Success in Recovery

One of the most difficult moments to navigate in substance use recovery is a season of success. That may sound counterintuitive but imagine this: An addiction has destroyed your life. Alcohol, meth, or another substance...

Exploring Technology Addiction: Recognizing the Signs and Seeking Help

Technology addiction refers to various types of technology and its various methods of overuse. Our society’s reliance on technology is no secret. We use it to navigate to our next destination, connect with loved ones,...

Understanding Drug Use and Addiction

Drug use has become a concerning health issue in our society today. It is generally misunderstood to be a lack of moral principle or willpower when in reality, drug addiction is a complex disease, and...

Bringing an adopted child into your family is wonderful and exciting, but with this comes new navigation and transition for everyone. Our therapists are here to walk with you during your adoption process and help address any adoption-based concerns you may have.

Attaching in Adoption: Practical Tools for Today’s Parents
Lost and Found: The Adoption Experience

Affairs and infidelity can cause significant strain on relationships and families. Whether you are working through reconciliation or separation, our team is here to help you through the process. We provide both individual and couples counseling.

Controlling your anger can feel easier said than done, and at times, it can seem like it has control over you. Anger management therapy can help take control of angry emotions and develop healthy ways of managing your anger.

Helping Your Child Deal with Anger

Anger and temper tantrums/meltdowns in young children, especially under the ages of 7-9, are to be expected and even healthy for a child. It is important for children to be able to experience all emotions....

Dealing With Acts of Aggression from Your Child

One issue I have a lot of my child clients working on is their anger (including tantrums). Some tantrums or outbursts are normal for children under the age of 5, while they are making sense of boundaries...

Why Your Kids Should Be Allowed To Tell You No Sometimes

One of the skills I end up having to teach almost all the kids I work with, no matter their presenting problem, is assertiveness. An anxious child may be too afraid to express how they...

The process of merging two families can be both rewarding and challenging. Our therapists are here to help you navigate new family dynamics as you begin this new chapter together.

Whether you are caring for an aging parent or another loved one, being a caregiver can bring with it a lot of emotions and stress. If caregivers aren’t careful, they can jeopardize their own health. Our therapists are here to help you identify these stressors and provide the resources needed to improve your own wellbeing.

Transitions: How to Cope With Change and Set Realistic Expectations and Cope With Transition

Change is inevitable, in fact they say that the only thing in life that is constant is change. If we pay attention, we can see that even in nature things are constantly changing. The seasons...

Why Mindfulness?

Do you feel you often forget things or conversations?  Do you have difficulty staying focused or completing a task?  Do you find yourself feeling bored if you are not doing more than one thing at...

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with a chronic illness or cancer; it can bring with it a lot of different emotions. Not only is it a lot to process and impacts your emotional health, it affects your physical health as well. Our therapists are here to walk with you during this difficult time.

How we communicate with others is one of the most important parts of any relationship. Our therapists are here to teach vital communication skills that will strengthen your relationships with others and help you communicate more effectively.

Are You Being Selfish or Is This Good Self-stewardship?

“You’re so selfish; all you think about is yourself and what you want! You never think about me and what I might want!” “You’re so inconsiderate. Do you have any idea how that affected me?”...

Trust and Commitment: The Cornerstones of a Satisfying Long-Term Relationship

In any long-term romantic relationship, trust and commitment are vital elements that contribute significantly to its success and satisfaction. These components create a stable and supportive environment where love can flourish. So, what makes these...

Transform Your Relationship with the Gentle Start-Up

In any relationship, especially in a marriage, how we start a conversation can significantly impact its outcome. The Gentle Start-Up is a communication tool designed to help couples address issues without escalating conflict. Rooted in...

It can be difficult to know how to handle conflict with friends, peers, and loved ones. Through therapy, you can learn the skills and tools to navigate and resolve conflict with others.

How to Build your Child’s Self-Esteem

A child’s self-esteem begins with a positive self-identity, which is critical for building a foundation for confidence, happiness, and emotional well-being. When children have a positive self-identity, they can navigate through life with a sense...

Unlocking Discipline: The 5 Critical Components

Discipline is often misconstrued as a form of punishment and what comes to mind most is spanking. However, the essence of discipline is teaching and guiding. At its core discipline means providing structure, consistency, and...

Finding a Place of Honesty, Authenticity, and Love

Can you tell your partner everything? When intimate relationships are built on a foundation of honesty, they can reach a level of profound authenticity and mutual understanding. But since the beginning of time, it seems,...

No matter what you and your partner are experiencing, we are here to help. We see couples involved in every stage of a relationship from healthy maintenance to navigating through separation and divorce.

Turning Toward: How Stressed Couples Can Support Each Other

In a world where stress is often a common household guest, managing our reactions and maintaining positive connections with our spouses can be challenging. However, learning to turn towards rather than away from each other...

Building Stronger Bonds with Your Partner: An Overview of the Gottman Method

The Gottman Method Couples Therapy is a scientifically-backed approach designed to improve the quality and longevity of relationships. Developed by Drs. John and Julie Gottman, this method is based on extensive research involving thousands of...

From Conflict to Connection: Using the S.T.O.P. Technique for Intimacy

Intimacy is a cornerstone of healthy, fulfilling relationships. One researched and effective tool for improving intimacy between partners is the “S.T.O.P.” technique, which focuses on mindfulness and emotional regulation. I often use this technique with...

Depression can bring about feelings of overwhelming sadness, lack of joy, as well as mental and physical fatigue. Luckily, you do not have to go through it alone. Our therapists are here for you and can provide tools and skills that can help with what you are experiencing.

What Your “Bad” Emotions Can Do for You!

“It’s not a big deal, calm down!” “Don’t cry, it’s okay!” “Don’t get angry at me!” “You should be happy!” Sound familiar? Whether you realize it or not, you’ve probably said something like this to...

The Importance of Community

One of the first things I ask a new client when we meet is “tell me about your support system”. Understanding how connected someone is to a community of support gives me a lot of...

Conquering Depression: A Comprehensive Guide to Relieving Symptoms

Depression is a complex and challenging condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Research shows that the best way to treat depression is through medication and talk therapy. On top of that there are several...

Divorce can bring with it a lot of stress and complicated emotions for the couple and family. Our team of marriage and family therapists are here to provide a safe space to help adults, couples, and children navigate and process divorce and separation.

Experiencing emotional abuse can create feelings of anxiety, fear, anger, and overall emotional distress. If you are currently or have experienced emotional abuse, do not be afraid to reach out for help.

Conflict with family members can be difficult to navigate and can strain the overall family dynamic. Our therapists are here to walk with you and your family by providing individual and/or family counseling to help with the family conflict you are experiencing.

The Importance of Community

One of the first things I ask a new client when we meet is “tell me about your support system”. Understanding how connected someone is to a community of support gives me a lot of...

What are the Types of Attachment in Child Parent Relationships

Attachment is a facet of parenting many people can forget about or deprioritize with the infinite other responsibilities of parenting; however, attachment with a caregiver is one of the most important things a parent can...

Improving Attachment in Parent/Child Relationships

Attachment between a child and parent creates the roadmap of how a child interacts with others and themselves, often for the rest of their lives. If a child is securely attached to a caregiver, they...

Experiencing violence and abuse within a family can be traumatic and bring long-lasting psychological distress. If you or someone you love are currently or has experienced abuse, we are here for you. You do not need to be afraid to reach out for help.

Physical health concerns produce high levels of anxiety and worry. If you or a loved one are experiencing concerns with your physical health, our therapists are here to walk with you and provide tools to help you cope and manage your emotional health during this difficult time.

Parent Child Interaction Therapy and Childhood Cancer

Facing cancer is an immense challenge for anyone, but for children, it means grappling with their mortality at an age meant for dreams of being a princess or a superhero. For their parents it is...

Chronic Pain Series: The Importance of Pain-Validation

“…If only things would hurt in a clearer way.” – Excerpt of a poem by Fortesa Latifi titled “chronic illness” Chronic pain can be a truly debilitating experience. Whether you deal with pounding migraines, searing...

September: Sickle Cell Awareness Month

There’s a disease that affects approximately 100,000 people in this country and millions more across the globe. It’s an illness many have never even heard of, it’s entirely based on genetics, and it’s arguably the...

Infertility and IVF treatments create psychological, emotional, and physiological stressors. Given this, many women and couples find themselves with elevated levels of anxiety and depression. Our Summit therapists are here to walk with you during this difficult time.

Coping with the Anxiety of IVF

Research indicates that around 1 million babies were born in the United States between 1987 and 2015 through the use of IVF or other assisted reproductive technologies.  These procedures have given couples new hope; infertility...

Whether physical or emotional, intimacy is an important part of any romantic relationship. The Summit is here to help you feel safe in this complex part of life and relationships, respecting your values and integrating aspects of body, mind, and spirit perspectives into your understanding of intimacy issues.

All marriages have their ups and downs and therapy can help you strengthen the relationship between you and your spouse. Through marriage therapy, we will help you gain a new perspective about yourself, your partner, and your relationship.

3 Reasons for Premarital Counseling

Often when you find that special person that you are ready to marry ‘until death do you part,’ you’ll have plenty of input from others. Many of your friends and family will be telling you...

Engagement - NOT The Ring-Giving Kind!

When we hear the word “engagement” in the context of a marriage relationship, we usually think about that memorable occassion where a guy gives a girl a ring to start the whole matrimonial process!  But...

Love Cycles, Fear Cycles: Reduce Conflict and Increase Connection in Your Relationship
The Normal Bar: The Surprising Secrets of Happy Couples and What They Reveal About Creating a New Normal in Your Relationship
Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples

Parenting is the “role” of a lifetime. It begins when you have your first child and it never really ends. Becoming parents is the most significant change that the majority of couples experience in their marriage. It brings both incredible rewards and some of life’s most difficult challenges.

Understanding ADHD in Teens

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood. It is usually first diagnosed in childhood and often lasts into adulthood. The essential feature of ADHD is a persistent pattern...

Co-Parenting After Divorce

The goal of healthy co-parenting after divorce is to minimize the conflict between the parents. Research shows that it’s the conflict between the parents, not the divorce itself, that has the greatest negative impact on...

The Visual Aid: an Invaluable Tool to Help Children Manage Their Emotions

Recall the last time you witnessed a child having a temper tantrum. Did it help to tell them to just “calm down?” Probably not. In fact, it most likely made the tantrum worse. Now, what...

The Gift of ADHD: How to Transform Your Child’s Problems into Strengths
Head Strong: A Parenting Survival Kit for Reducing Tension and Building Self-Esteem

Personality disorders involve long-term patterns of thinking and behaving that result in impaired relationships with others and often cause distress for the individual who experiences them. Through Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) our therapists can help you see your behavior in a new way and learn healthier ways of reacting to situations.  

DBT Explained

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a specialized form of cognitive behavioral therapy originally developed by Marsha Linehan to treat those who suffer with repeated suicidal thoughts and urges. According to an article by the New...

Physical abuse can leave lasting negative effects not only physically, but emotionally as well. If you or someone you love is currently or has experienced physical abuse, we are here for you. You do not need to be afraid to reach out for help.

PTSD and Intimate Partner Violence (Excerpt from PTSD Monthly Update from the US Dept. of VA)

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) refers specifically to violence and aggression between intimate partners. IPV can include physical, sexual or psychological abuse or stalking. In the United States, about 1 in 4 women (or 27%) and...

Pregnancy and giving birth is an incredible feat, but it can also bring with it unexpected changes like depression, hopelessness, anger, fatigue and anxiety. Our therapists are here to walk with you and navigate this new season of life and motherhood.

Marriage is a union of two individuals that have been shaped by positive and negative experiences from their own family history. Our counselors will help you address significant differences, explore expectations and discover positive ways to work together in a safe and neutral environment.

Navigating romantic relationships can be complicated. No matter what you and your partner are experiencing, The Summit is here for you.

Turning Toward: How Stressed Couples Can Support Each Other

In a world where stress is often a common household guest, managing our reactions and maintaining positive connections with our spouses can be challenging. However, learning to turn towards rather than away from each other...

Building Stronger Bonds with Your Partner: An Overview of the Gottman Method

The Gottman Method Couples Therapy is a scientifically-backed approach designed to improve the quality and longevity of relationships. Developed by Drs. John and Julie Gottman, this method is based on extensive research involving thousands of...

From Conflict to Connection: Using the S.T.O.P. Technique for Intimacy

Intimacy is a cornerstone of healthy, fulfilling relationships. One researched and effective tool for improving intimacy between partners is the “S.T.O.P.” technique, which focuses on mindfulness and emotional regulation. I often use this technique with...

Sex and pornography addiction can strain romantic relationships and affects your overall mental health.

We are here to help individuals and couples feel safe and their values respected in this complex part of life and relationships; integrating body, mind, and spirit into your understanding of sexual issues

The Summit offers a spiritually integrated approach to counseling based on the client’s personal spirituality and religion. If you are experiencing spiritual issues or concerns, our therapists are here to provide counseling and support.

Stress can have physical, mental and emotional symptoms. Our therapists are here to help you learn to reduce and manage your stress.

Five Quick Tools to Alleviate Stress at Work

In today’s fast-paced work environment, it’s crucial to have quick and effective strategies to alleviate stress. Below are five tools you can use in around ten minutes to improve your mental health during a work...

Preparing for Finals

As finals are approaching, it is a common time where students might get overly stressed and burnt out. Here are some tips to help prevent burnout and reduce stress. Since this is a higher-pressure time,...

Resiliency for Adults

Resiliency can be a buzzword for many. What does it mean? Well, Webster defines resiliency as “an ability to recover from or adjust easily to adversity or change.” In counseling, we look at things like...

Our goal is to help you assess your need for substance abuse and addiction services, or other addiction services (like sexual addiction or gambling addiction). We also help those with compulsive disorders such as eating disorders or compulsive spending. We help you to determine the level of care that best fits your needs and we either provide that care or refer you to someone who can.

If you or a loved one are experiencing suicidal thoughts and behaviors, know that you are not alone. The Summit is here to help assess and manage suicide risk, develop a safety plan and teach you affective coping skills If you are experiencing a suicidal crisis or emotional distress and cannot reach anyone at our office, call the Georgia Crisis Access Line at 1-800-715-4225 or visit your nearest emergency room.

How to Help a Loved One with Suicidal Thoughts

In the United States, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among individuals aged 10-14 and 25-34, according to a 2020 study by the CDC. Suicide has become such a common topic for kids...

How to Show Up for Your Suicidal Loved One

When someone you love expresses to you their deep emotional pain or shares their thoughts of suicide, it can be extremely difficult. People experiencing such emotions are vulnerable and need their support network to show...

Children’s Hospitals See More Cases of Depression, Suicidal Thoughts

Written by, Nancy Clanton As schools shifted to distance learning and extracurricular activities were canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic, many kids lost vital resources for maintaining their mental health. Government figures show the proportion of...

Psychological and physical trauma can impact us in more ways than we realize. The trauma we experience can tremendously impact our quality of life and overall mental wellbeing. Our therapists are here to walk with you and help you develop healthy tools and ways to cope. You are not alone.