Mental illness does not discriminate…anyone can be affected, regardless of age, race, religion, or income. However, people are still afraid to talk about it due to shame, misunderstanding, negative attitudes and fear of discrimination.
The Summit is committed to creating a well-informed and stigma free community by encouraging open conversations and education on mental health topics. We invite you to join us by scheduling one of the following trainings for your organization or business.
Schedule a Training for Your Organization
Signs of Suicide/ Trusted Adult Training – (1.5-Hr) Aimed for adults to recognize warning signs of suicide, how to navigate those difficult conversations, and learn practical next steps with youth. By the end of the training, individuals will be considered a “trusted adult” for youth to share their struggles or get support. Great for parents, volunteers, teachers, counselors, health professionals, or coaches. Signs of Suicide is an evidenced-based program designed for middle and high school students that teaches youth to identify signs of depression and suicide in themselves and their friends. The Trusted Adult training was developed as a resource for anyone that interacts with adolescents.
Soul Shop – (1.5-Hour or 8-Hour) Faith-based workshops aimed for individuals who work with youth and/or adults. This will equip leaders to recognize warnings signs of suicide, engaging in life saving conversations and ways to keep “at risk” individuals safe. Soul Shop also provides practical ways to integrate the material into lesson plans and activities. Great for church leaders, youth leaders, faith-based counselors, or volunteers working with youth/adults in a religious capacity.
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) – (1.5-Hr) The QPR mission is to reduce suicidal behaviors and save lives by providing innovative, practical and proven suicide prevention training. The signs of crisis are all around us. We believe that quality education empowers all people, regardless of their background, to make a positive difference in the life of someone they know.
The collaborative is normalizing the conversation surrounding mental health through engaging community leaders and families in an on-going dialogue to promote mental health awareness and suicide prevention in our faith communities, schools, businesses, and community at large. Visit the Collaborative webpage to learn more about our upcoming events.
The Summit strives to remove the stigma surrounding mental health by providing education and awareness workshops in or community. Our team is available to provide talks/workshops on a broad range of topics and content. Contact our Director of Community Outreach to learn more about scheduling an event for your business or organization.
Completing an online screening will help individuals determine if recent thoughts or behaviors may be associated with a common, treatable mental health issue.