Signs of Suicide (SOS): Trusted Adult Training

Tuesday, September 26th
4:00 – 5:30 PM
Virtual Event via Zoom
Cost: Free

The Signs of Suicide (SOS) Trusted Adult Training is a crucial program aimed at equipping adults with the knowledge and skills to recognize warning signs of suicide, engage in sensitive conversations, and provide meaningful support to youth in need. This evidence-based training is designed to empower participants, enabling them to become trusted figures for adolescents seeking assistance with their struggles.

This training is ideal for a wide range of individuals who interact with adolescents, including:

  • Parents
  • Volunteers
  • Teachers
  • Counselors
  • Health Professionals
  • Coaches
  • Any individuals who interacts with youth

About Signs of Suicide (SOS):

Signs of Suicide is an evidenced-based program designed specifically for middle and high school students. It empowers young individuals to identify signs of depression and suicide in themselves and their peers, equipping them with the tools to seek help and support when needed.

The Trusted Adult Training serves as a critical extension of this program, ensuring that adults who interact with adolescents are equipped to recognize and respond to signs of distress, ultimately becoming pillars of support for the youth in their lives.

Join us in this important training to play a pivotal role in the well-being and mental health of the young people in our communities. Together, we can create a safer, more supportive environment for all adolescents!