Getting down a bedtime routine is like nailing the perfect recipe. In order to have a successful, stress-free, bedtime there are a few keys ingredients that go a long way when it comes to sweet dreams.
Try to stay as consistent as possible when it comes to bedtime. The weekends pay throw off the schedule a little bit but for the most part bedtime should be as close to the same time as possible
Guide for sleep as recommended by American Pediatrics Association
Make bedtime fun
Pick a settle, snug, sleep routine that happens every night
Settle is the thing you do 30 minutes before bedtime that tells your brain its time to get ready for bed! That might be a bubble bath, dance party, or light snack. Snug is what you do once you get into bed and should be about 10 minutes before bed this could include story time, prayers, snuggling, etc The last thing is the sleep routine and this is the last thing done before the child closes their eyes – it can be turning the sound machine on, saying I love yous, or one last hug.
Give control
Some children struggle with bedtime because they feel out of control with the process. Try having something they can control in the bedtime process such as what PJS to wear, what essential oil to diffuse while they sleep, or what story to read before bed. This can help then look forward to bedtime if they know there will be fun choices to make on their own.
Turn bedtime routines from nightmares into sweet dreams!