Managing Fears and Anxiety Around Coronavirus

Managing Fears and Anxiety Around Coronavirus

Although Coronavirus is a health issue that is being taken very seriously by public health authorities worldwide, we should not let our worry about the virus control our daily life. Constant media attention of its impact globally and fear of the unknown impact nationally and personally can lead to an increase of stress and anxiety.  Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations.  The Summit has compiled some resources to help you and your family improve your overall emotional and physical well-being.

Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks

When you hear, read, or watch news about an outbreak of an infectious disease such as Coronavirus, you may feel anxious and show signs of stress—even when the outbreak affects people far from where you live and you are at low or no risk of getting sick. In the wake of an infectious disease outbreak, monitor your own physical and mental health. Know the signs of stress in yourself and your loved ones. Know how to relieve stress and know when to get help.

Talking with Children: Tips for Caregivers, Parents, and Teachers During Infectious Disease Outbreaks

When children and youth watch news on TV about an infectious disease outbreak, read about it in the news, or overhear others discussing it, they can feel scared, confused, or anxious—as much as adults. Young people react to anxiety and stress differently than adults. Some may react right away; others may show signs that they are having a difficult time much later.

Taking Care of Behavioral Health: Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation During an Infectious Disease Breakout

In the event of an infectious disease outbreak, local officials may require the public to take measures to limit and control the spread of the disease. This tip sheet provides information about social distancing, quarantine, and isolation.


 What You Can Do to Keep Yourself and Your Family Healthy

Georgia Department of Public Health

 CDC Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Summary

World Health Organization Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak

The Summit Counseling Center is adhering to the COVID-19 Protocol recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as follows:

For the welfare of our clients, their guests and our team members, at this time, we request that all guests of clients refrain from entering the office, unless you are the parent or guardian of a minor child.

*If the client or anyone in their household, has traveled outside of the country in the last 21 days, we ask that you please call The Summit at (678)893-5300 to cancel all appointments for the remaining days of the 14- day self-quarantine window.

* If the client has developed a fever since their last appointment, we ask that you do not return to therapy until you are symptom-free for 24 hours, without fever reducing medication.  If the patient is a minor, this also applies to the person bringing them to therapy.  All cancellations fees will be waived.

Thank you for your patience as we strive to ensure the safety of all!