Comparing Yourself To Others

Comparing Yourself To Others

On social media, I’ve been seeing a lot of people posting how they are spending their time at home. There are posts like workout videos, cooking new recipes, deep cleaning and organizing, and trying new hobbies. It is wonderful seeing people trying to make the best of a scary and uncertain situation. We should be intentional with how we spend our time and treat ourselves during this time. While, these social media posts are not bad, they can stir up some negative emotions and we may end up comparing ourselves to others.

Just as before COVID-19, social media is still a highlight reel of people’s lives. You may be seeing the best parts of their day, but not the struggles and the mundane, as all try to find some normalcy. Given that social media is a primary way of connecting with others right now, it is important to be mindful of our reactions and emotions surrounding what you are seeing online. This is not to discourage anyone from posting encouraging, positive things. In fact, quite the opposite. Active and productive activities are great things to focus on while at home.

Remember, that everyone processes stressful situations differently. Although we are a month into COVID-19, we are continuously settling into this normal while also waiting for it to end. With this, there may be days where you feel like getting in a good workout, cooking something healthy and maybe spending some time on projects. But, if there are times when watching a movie on Netflix and deciding to take a mid-day nap is self-care, that is perfectly fine too.

If you find yourself feeling bad about how you are spending your time while social distancing, try one of these tips:

  • Take a break from technology: Log off all social media platforms for an hour or two.
  • Write down 5 things you have done that make you happy.
  • Write down 5 things you love about yourself
  • Remind yourself that you are only seeing a snapshot of the full story
  • There is a saying, “I accept myself unconditionally, right now.” Try saying this or something similar to yourself. Write it on a card and keep it close by or even on a mirror in dry erase marker. Be easy on yourself.

In the end, it is all about balance and finding what self-care looks like to you at that moment. Try to treat yourself with love, and work towards being cognizant of your emotions towards what you are seeing online.