Protect Your Children!

Written by: David M. Smith, M.Div., M.A.

With all the media coverage about the Penn State case this week, my friend Allen Hunt asked me to join him on The Allen Hunt Show to talk about sexual abuse and protecting our children.

Here are few quick tips for protecting your children:

First, get real!  Don’t pretend this doesn’t happen.  Statistically, 1 in 4 girls, and 1 in 6 boys  will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday – so don’t be lulled into being asleep.  Keep sharp!

Secondly, reduce the opportunity for your child to be abused SIMPLY by limiting how often they are in one on one situations with adults (unsupervised).

Thirdly, let your kids know that they can talk to you about ANYTHING — AND let them know that it is NOT okay to have a secret with other adults outside the family.  This is a very common ploy used by child sexual abusers – “this will be our secret – just between me and you.”  Let your child know that it’s not okayto keep secrets like that.

For more tips and information check out the following websites:

If The Summit Counseling Center can help you, let us know!  Call (678)893-5300.