Adding Self-love to Your Daily Routine

Adding Self-love to Your Daily Routine

Sometimes loving yourself can seem like a rollercoaster. Putting love and energy back into yourself seems like something that would come automatically in our daily lives, but many people struggle with self-love.  We sometimes let the negative thoughts take over and consume how we think of ourselves which then relates to how we interact with others. Many of us have a list full of responsibilities and sometimes neglect to take time out for ourselves to put the energy we put into everything else back into our own soul. There are several ways we can work on addressing some self-love and care.

  • Try journaling prompts weekly such as naming your inner critic or writing a list of things you love about yourself
  • Discuss your self-love goals with your therapist and how you would like to incorporate this into your therapy
  • Have daily affirmations you use such as “I am enough exactly how I am” and “I am worthy of self-love”
  • Do something nice for yourself and take the time out daily to show yourself some appreciation!

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection” – Buddha liz

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