So, just what is this mindfulness you speak of?
Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of our thoughts, emotions, or experiences—where we are and what we’re doing, on a moment-to-moment basis. Mindfulness avoids judgment and involves acceptance of feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations.
Now, we know what it is, but why should you practice it?
There has been a great deal of research conducted on the wide-ranging benefits of mindfulness practice. Mindfulness-based approaches can be integrated into many therapies to successfully treat depression, anxiety, ADHD, addiction disorders and even psychosis—just to name a few.
Here are a few ways that mindfulness can be used—at any age:
So, what’s next…
Don’t stop here! There is much more to learn about mindfulness. If you think that you might benefit from more advanced mindfulness approaches, but not sure what strategies are best for you, contact The Summit Counseling Center for more information at (678) 893-5300. We have licensed professional therapists trained in mindfulness therapy who can help—no matter your age!