
4 Things to Know Before Your Child Begins Therapy
April 6, 2023

As a parent, it can be difficult to navigate the world of therapy when your child is struggling. But with the right information and support, you can help your child get the most out of therapy and make meaningful...

What Should Parents Do When Their Child is Having Behavior Problems?
April 6, 2023

When children have frequent behavioral challenges that affect their ability to function at school or within the family, parents are often left feeling helpless. When children struggle with frequent temper tantrums, defiance, aggression, hyperactivity, or emotional outbursts that seem...

10 Tips to Boost your Child’s Self-Esteem
March 14, 2023

Wanting your child to grow and develop into a happy, confident individual is normal for many parents. Though this is a common goal for most parents, it’s not always clear how to help your child build their self-esteem. Put...

Why Play Therapy
March 14, 2023

If you have a child who is elementary age or younger and may be struggling with behavioral or emotional challenges, play therapy is likely the best fit for them. Play Therapy has been developed over the years as a...

What is Attachment Theory?
January 17, 2023

John Bowlby, a British psychologist, was the first to develop the concept of attachment theory. He described attachment as a “lasting psychological connectedness between human beings”. His primary interest was in understanding the bond between children and their primary...

The Tyranny of “Shoulds”
October 25, 2022

Shoulds abound in our lives. We hear them everywhere: from both outside of ourselves (family, friends, culture) and inside our own heads. “I really should do…” Or “I should have done…” or “you shouldn’t.…” “Should” is a tyrant, a...

The Impact of Separation and Divorce on Children
October 12, 2022

Separation and divorce is rarely easy for anyone involved, but it can be especially difficult for children regardless of age. Relationships end between couples all over the world, however, the United States has been labeled as the “leader” in...

Effects of Medicating ADHD in Children
October 12, 2022

According to some pharmacies, antidepressants for teenagers have risen 38% from 2015 to 2019 (while adult prescriptions only rose 12% during that same period). As that study was pre-pandemic, the results now are expected to be dramatically higher. Many...

How to Have Productive Discussions (Not Arguments!) with Your Child
July 25, 2022

Every parent has been there: You start with what seems like a simple request or question, and then, suddenly, you are in a screaming match with your child. How did it escalate to this? First and foremost, remember who...

Why Your Kids Don’t Want to Talk to You
July 25, 2022

In this line of work, we often hear frustrations from parents regarding what their kids are and are not doing. A common one is typically something along the lines of, “I can tell something is wrong, but they won’t...