Why Play Therapy

Written by: Maddie McGarrah, M.Ed.
Why Play Therapy

If you have a child who is elementary age or younger and may be struggling with behavioral or emotional challenges, play therapy is likely the best fit for them.

Play Therapy has been developed over the years as a developmentally-appropriate therapeutic approach for young children where traditional talk therapy would not be as effective. Play is our first language – just as adults use words to communicate, children use play. Through the use of toys and art, children are able to express thoughts and feelings that they might not otherwise be able to communicate.
Play is essential part of human growth and development, learning, and cultivating relationships and thus must be an essential part of therapy for young children. It is a very safe process that helps a child build trust and mastery, foster learning of acceptable behaviors, reduce worries, promote creative thinking and problem-solving, encourage open communication, and elevate a child’s self-esteem.
Through play therapy, a child is able to process whatever difficulties they may be experiencing and learn how to better regulate themselves and make better choices. So, if your young child is struggling with cognitive, behavior, or emotional concerns, play therapy would be a great fit for them!