Decision Making 101

Written by: Madeline Redetzky, M.S.
Decision Making 101

1. Clarify your goals: Identify what you want to achieve and why it is important. What do you want to be left with when you have accomplished the goal? How do you want to feel? Having clear goals can help you narrow down your options and focus on what is most important to you.

2. Gather information: Before making a decision, gather as much information as possible. This may involve identifying different options, seeking advice from people with relevant experience or your support team, or gathering data to help evaluate potential outcomes.

3. Evaluate the pros and cons: Once you have gathered information, evaluate the potential benefits and consequences of each option. Consider important factors to you such as cost, time, effort, risk, and potential outcomes.

4. Consider your values: Your values can play an important role in decision-making because choosing some options may cause regret. If you identify values and what is most important to you, then you may be more satisfied. Consider how each option aligns with your personal values and priorities, and how it may impact your life in the long term.

5. Picture the outcome: Close your eyes and imagine yourself choosing each option and following through. Think of the next few steps if you were to make a certain choice. How would that impact you? Others around you? How would you feel? Would you experience any regret due to conflict of values or morals?

6. Make a decision: Once you have weighed the options, it is time to choose one. Trust your instincts. You know what felt best for you. This is not about making the “right” decision. It is about making the decision that is best based on the circumstances.

7. Reflect on your decision: After making a decision, take time to think about the process and the outcome. Consider what you learned and what worked best for you to try to apply that to your next decision to be made.

This won’t be that last hard decision you will have to make. However, deciding this time will help you be better prepared next time. You got this!