Teach Your Kids to Swim

Teach Your Kids to Swim

If your child is struggling with anxiety he is likely feeling panicked over projects, staying up late with homework, or lacking the motivation to even get out of bed to get to school. Of course, every parent knows that when a child misses school he only makes the problem even worse for himself; projects and homework and classwork will pile up in their absence! And then, when the projects pile up, your child feels overwhelmed and eventually they begin to sink under all that work!

Many parents find themselves constantly pulling (or dragging) their child out of bed, hounding them about homework, and staying on top of them for every assignment due. So when faced with the decision to pull a child from class to see a therapist, most parents would rather keep their child in class. The thought of missing class to see a therapist seems counterproductive!

First of all, I understand the struggle. My wonderful Mom spent the majority of my high school years trying to make sure I was on time, turning in homework, and passing my classes. But by my senior year she was burned out and I had never learned how to do it on my own. So when she said “I quit!”, I began to sink because I never learned how to swim!

Secondly, in order to save your child time, Summit Counseling has confidential, mental health services available on site at Johns Creek High School. That way, they only miss 1 hour of school instead of several in order to get the help they need. For more information, call 678 893 5300.

Part of teaching your children how to deal with anxiety means teaching them how to prioritize. So, set the example that their health is the biggest priority above any AP class. Without a solid mental health foundation, grades and motivation will begin to crumble. At the end of the day, if your child hasn’t learned how to maintain a healthy balance in their life, UGA, Stanford, Harvard, or any other school won’t save them from sinking. However, when they’ve learned to balance they can begin to learn how to swim on their own through deeper waters.

Lastly, let’s not pretend this whole thing is easy. The reality of life is that it tends to be more complicated and difficult than anyone ever admits to. Your job as a parent is not easy and neither is being a teen in high school!

onsite_school_based_counselingInterested in scheduling an appointment? Call Summit Counseling Center at 678-893-5300 to schedule an appointment with one of the school-based therapists at Johns Creek high school