
Suicide Prevention Month: Take ACTion This September
September 8, 2023

September is Suicide Prevention Month, a pivotal time for us at Summit Counseling Center to raise awareness about a pressing issue that affects countless lives. According to the World Health Organization, suicide claims nearly 800,000 lives globally each year....

CDC Reports Increasing Mental Health Challenges for U.S. Teens
May 5, 2023

by Cathy Murphy, Director of Community Outreach According to a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we are continuing to see a trend of declining mental health among our teens. The data showed more...

Workplace Stress and Boundaries
December 10, 2022

‘Tis the season for quarterly changes at work. This may be in the form of a promotion, a department restructuring, a new work location, or a change in field.  All of these things can impact day-to-day stress levels, yet...

How to Listen So Your Teen Feels Heard
December 10, 2022

One of the most common phrases I hear from my teenage clients is “My parents never listen to me!” Teenagers often feel unheard and misunderstood by many of the adults in their lives, especially their parents, and it greatly...

Emotion Regulation – Naming the Emotion
December 10, 2022

In our DBT class on Emotion Regulation, the first step that we work on can initially sound simple- naming the emotion. We work to first understand what the emotion is that we are dealing with before we try to tackle anything else.   People come...

The Transparency of Therapy
November 18, 2022

When I was a child, there was a columnist by the name of Dear Abby, featured in the Detroit News. I was amazed at the transparency of the article from the one seeking advice and the columnist. Some of...

Coping with Grief During the Holidays
November 16, 2022

For some, the holidays are fun and exciting. For others, they can be painful. The holidays may be a reminder of loved ones we have lost, relationships that are hurting, or other struggles in life. This can lead to...

Interpersonal Effectiveness: Receiving & Giving Validation
April 13, 2021

When we are running our DBT classes, a lot of clients will ask me what to expect with each specific group. One of the groups that we run is called Interpersonal Effectiveness. In this group, we focus on learning...

Parenting for More Effect – Impart and Implement III: The Why
April 9, 2021

So far this year, my blogs have been focused on how we can parent for more effect. Specifically, during a time of a pandemic, social distancing, and isolation. Also, generally, as we get closer and closer to “normal times.”...

The Importance of Gratitude
April 9, 2021

Practicing gratitude in our daily lives can have multiple benefits on our mental and even our physical health.  One definition of gratitude that I like is, “the appreciation of what is valuable and meaningful to oneself and represents a...