
How ADHD Can Impact Emotions
February 26, 2024

We are accustomed to looking for the common symptoms of ADHD. In the health care field and the school systems, we commonly look for symptoms that include, fidgeting or restlessness, difficulty managing time, impulsive behavior, difficulty focusing, getting easily...

The Power of Play Time
January 3, 2024

Many children are involved in increasingly rigorous academic programs. Parents who want their children to have a better life often focus intensely on academics and neglect play. Neglecting to prioritize play can have the opposite effect that parents want...

“Will My Child Grow Out of It?” The Crucial Role of Early Intervention for Young Children with Behavior Issues
January 3, 2024

As parents, we often find ourselves wondering whether our child’s challenging behavior is just a passing phase or something more significant. The common belief is that children will grow out of biting, defiance, tantrums, destructive, aggressive, hyperactive, or anxious...

Helping Your Child Deal with Anger
January 3, 2024

Anger and temper tantrums/meltdowns in young children, especially under the ages of 7-9, are to be expected and even healthy for a child. It is important for children to be able to experience all emotions. Having these hard emotions...

My Child Won’t Remember That…. Will They?
October 30, 2023

As many children do not hold memories before 2-3 years old and even then, memory is often pretty vague, parents tend to be more lenient about what they say in front of their child before that time period or...

How to Support Your Child’s Behavior Over Holiday Breaks
October 19, 2023

As the holidays are fast approaching, one thing parents often state their frustration about is behavior regression or increased outbursts during breaks from school. Children thrive when they understand expectations and know boundaries and limitations. The holiday season can...

How to Support Students Facing Academic Pressure & Stress
October 10, 2023

As we approach the fall, school begins picking up and the weight of different responsibilities can begin to feel overwhelming. Many of our students deal with high levels of school anxiety and academic stress. They are being asked to...

5 Effective Ways to Encourage Your Child to Open Up and Communicate
August 7, 2023

Communication is a vital skill that empowers children to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs effectively. As parents, we play a crucial role in nurturing this skill and creating a safe environment for our children to open up and...

How to Fight Boredom with a Summer Routine
July 17, 2023

Like many of you, I have been hearing a chorus of “I’m bored” from my school-aged clients recently. Without the structure of a typical school schedule, many teenagers get out of the routine of doing anything at all during...

How to Help Your Child Use Their Wise Mind
July 17, 2023

First, it is helpful to understand the mind in three parts and the advantages vs. disadvantages of these parts, then explain them to your child. Part 1: The Rational/Reasonable Mind: This is the mind that pays attention to logic and...