
Trust and Commitment: The Cornerstones of a Satisfying Long-Term Relationship
July 9, 2024

In any long-term romantic relationship, trust and commitment are vital elements that contribute significantly to its success and satisfaction. These components create a stable and supportive environment where love can flourish. So, what makes these qualities so essential and...

Transform Your Relationship with the Gentle Start-Up
July 9, 2024

In any relationship, especially in a marriage, how we start a conversation can significantly impact its outcome. The Gentle Start-Up is a communication tool designed to help couples address issues without escalating conflict. Rooted in the research of Dr....

How to Support Emotional Regulation in Your Teens
July 9, 2024

What is emotional regulation you might ask? Emotional regulation is the “ability to exert control over one’s own emotional state.” It is quite common for teens to struggle with emotional dysregulation due to the flood of hormones rushing through...

Sober Curious Summer
July 2, 2024

Summer is officially upon us. The temperature is rising, kids are out of school, and we are spending more time outdoors. Whether it’s poolside snacks, barbeques, or picnics, people love any excuse to get together with friends for food...

The Importance of Community
July 2, 2024

One of the first things I ask a new client when we meet is “tell me about your support system”. Understanding how connected someone is to a community of support gives me a lot of information about their mental...

How to Build your Child’s Self-Esteem
May 21, 2024

A child’s self-esteem begins with a positive self-identity, which is critical for building a foundation for confidence, happiness, and emotional well-being. When children have a positive self-identity, they can navigate through life with a sense of purpose and feel...

Unlocking Discipline: The 5 Critical Components
May 21, 2024

Discipline is often misconstrued as a form of punishment and what comes to mind most is spanking. However, the essence of discipline is teaching and guiding. At its core discipline means providing structure, consistency, and setting limits. Schedules and...

What is Social Media Telling Me?
April 22, 2024

Keeping up with our teens and their social media use can be a challenge. There are so many platforms and apps that can be explored. It can be difficult to keep up with them all. One thing we can...

Finding a Place of Honesty, Authenticity, and Love
April 19, 2024

Can you tell your partner everything? When intimate relationships are built on a foundation of honesty, they can reach a level of profound authenticity and mutual understanding. But since the beginning of time, it seems, people have been prone...

5 Effective Ways to Encourage Your Child to Open Up and Communicate
August 7, 2023

Communication is a vital skill that empowers children to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs effectively. As parents, we play a crucial role in nurturing this skill and creating a safe environment for our children to open up and...