
What is Social Media Telling Me?
April 22, 2024

Keeping up with our teens and their social media use can be a challenge. There are so many platforms and apps that can be explored. It can be difficult to keep up with them all. One thing we can...

Finding a Place of Honesty, Authenticity, and Love
April 19, 2024

Can you tell your partner everything? When intimate relationships are built on a foundation of honesty, they can reach a level of profound authenticity and mutual understanding. But since the beginning of time, it seems, people have been prone...

5 Effective Ways to Encourage Your Child to Open Up and Communicate
August 7, 2023

Communication is a vital skill that empowers children to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs effectively. As parents, we play a crucial role in nurturing this skill and creating a safe environment for our children to open up and...

The Importance of Community for Young Adults
March 14, 2023

As a society, we are lonelier than we’ve ever been. According to a study from the Survey Center on American Life in 2019, almost 50% of all Americans reported having less than 3 close friends, up from 25% reporting...

How to Talk to Get Your Teen to Listen
February 6, 2023

Ever had a difficult time getting your teen to open up to you? Are they moody, and if you dare to ask what is wrong, all they say is “I don’t know”? The teen years are a time of...

A Tenuous Marriage
July 12, 2022

Faith and mental health have more than once been at odds with each other. It is commonly said that we are mind, body, and soul. I’ve also heard it said that we are one complete being, so inextricably put...

Preparing Your Child for Their First Therapy Session
June 30, 2022

You have decided to take your child to therapy. Awesome! However, there is a problem: Your child does not want to go. Some children may not want to go because they believe they do not need therapy. Some may...

Toxic Relationships Part 4: How to Combat Emotional Abuse
May 9, 2022

For the final part of this series, we will discuss responses and ways to combat emotional abuse and gaslighting. As stated previously, the best-case scenario would be to remove yourself from any situation or relationship where this is occurring....

Toxic Relationships Part 3: Examples of Gaslighting in Emotional Abuse
May 9, 2022

Emotional abuse comes in many forms. Often, it can be hard to recognize. It is worth noting that emotional abuse can occur at any time, around friends, family, or in private. It is important to be able to recognize...

Good Question!
May 9, 2022

I’ve been asked many questions as a counselor before I start seeing somebody. Recently I spoke with a mom who asked some great questions and inspired me to think more about what may be some good questions to ask...