Couples & Relationships

Be the Change You Want to See In Your Communication
January 7, 2020

A common issue that I encounter in my work as a counselor is communication problems. Most of the time we think of communication problems being exclusive to couples or marital counseling, but the reality is communication problems can be...

Giving the Gift of Validation
November 18, 2019

Validation is important because it communicates I hear you, I see you, and I care. When experienced from others it can feel like you have received the gift of acceptance and feeling understood. This is what makes learning the...

Practice Gratitude to Protect Marriage
September 16, 2019

The guaranteed stresses of life cause high emotional intensity between marriage partners that often lead to hurtful exchanges. These hurtful exchanges can, unfortunately, lead to a gridlock of anger and disconnection.  So, how do marriages last and thrive when...

“I’m Not Yelling, You’re Yelling”: Top 5 Tips to Managing Conflict with Your Partner
August 12, 2019

Contrary to popular belief, conflict within a relationship is healthy. Conflict allows us to express our inner concerns and/or feelings and often leads to positive resolution. How you handle that conflict, however, typically results in one of two ways:...

Surviving Your Partner’s Depression
July 15, 2019

If your partner is suffering from depression, you may be feeling helpless, overwhelmed, frustrated and confused.  Trying to help may have left you feeling rejected, ignored or alone.  Your depressed partner needs love and support, but you alone cannot...

Cultivating Wholehearted Living
April 29, 2019

  Are you looking for more joy and happiness in your life?  Do you sometimes struggle looking for meaning and purpose?  Are you going through a transition and attempting to reevaluate priorities?  Do you want to create a life...

Sibling Rivalry: How to Stop the Madness
April 1, 2019

Since the beginning of time, siblings have been at each other’s throats.  It’s one of the most frustrating things for parents and one of the most difficult things to manage.  The tattling, the bickering, the never-ending shout for mom...

“Empty Nest” Transition – What’s Next?
December 17, 2018

The transition to an “empty nest” from a full one is a big one, to say the least.  While parents know the end goal is to help support their children become independent adults, the experience of their leaving home...

To Trust or Not To Trust…. That is the Question
December 10, 2018

Have you ever passed up potential friendships and opportunities to be part of a group because you were afraid you wouldn’t be accepted, or you would wind up getting hurt?  Have you ever trusted someone too quickly only to...

4 Tips for Co-parenting with a Narcissist
November 5, 2018

Co-parenting is a dance to learn and it may always require effort for both parties involved, however, co-parenting with someone who is truly diagnosed with the personality disorder known as narcissism may require extra effort in order to build...