Jasmine Forrest

12 Signs Your Child May Benefit from Therapy
October 10, 2023

As a parent, it’s natural that you want the best for your child. Sometimes, children don’t have the language to let us know that something is wrong or that they need to talk to someone. As a parent it...

Your Child’s Anxiety: Signs and Strategies for Calming Their Mind and Body
July 17, 2023

Did you know that anxiety disorders are the most common type of psychological problem that children experience? One in eight children suffer from a significant anxiety disorder (Wang, 2017). In an average sized classroom of about 25 school-aged children,...

How to Talk to Get Your Teen to Listen
February 6, 2023

Ever had a difficult time getting your teen to open up to you? Are they moody, and if you dare to ask what is wrong, all they say is “I don’t know”? The teen years are a time of...

Preparing Your Child for Their First Therapy Session
June 30, 2022

You have decided to take your child to therapy. Awesome! However, there is a problem: Your child does not want to go. Some children may not want to go because they believe they do not need therapy. Some may...

Help to Control Test Anxiety
March 31, 2022

When a big test is coming up it is normal to feel nervous, especially if you know that the test is going to count for a huge percentage of your final grade. When we feel anxious, we may experience...

Sharing With Your Child Their Autism Diagnosis
January 6, 2022

Has your child been diagnosed with autism? Are you wondering when and how to share that diagnosis with your child? In this article, we are going to discuss how to best share this diagnosis with your child. It is...

Today’s Worries are Enough for Today
January 6, 2022

“No one ever sank under the burden of the day. It is when tomorrow’s burden is added to the burden of today that the weight is more than one can bear.” -George MacDonald It seems that anxiety is on...

Coping With Back-to-School Anxiety: Back to School Checklist for Parents
July 20, 2021

Going back to school can be anxiety provoking for many children. These 12 steps can help with reducing feelings of anxiety and help your child feel prepared and less anxious about starting the school year. One week before school...