Juliana Brown

Preparing Our Kids for Virtual Schooling
July 29, 2020

This year has been full of many changes for people of all ages. School as our kids have known it has taken a dramatic change and the changes are going to keep coming. So how do we prepare them...

Helping Kids Cope with Anxiety During COVID-19
July 29, 2020

The news, statistics, numbers…the outlets for negative information are endless. It’s important for us to find ways to avoid these negative information sources that are meant to inform us, but usually go beyond that to a point of scaring...

How to be Available for Friends Experiencing Grief
January 7, 2020

In Early 2019 my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Three short months later she would pass away at the young age of 50. Only 6 months earlier my best friend’s mom was diagnosed with ALS which...