Parents & Parenting

Changes and Transitions Happen Faster than We Want!
May 20, 2019

Let’s face it, children are always growing up too fast and going through different points of transition that may be harder than others. Sometimes during different times of change it can cause anxiety or sadness for kids because they...

The Mask of Anger
May 13, 2019

“Why is my teen so angry?” is a common question raised by parents as their previously even-tempered child’s mood starts to vacillate between apathy and moodiness. This period can be particularly challenging for parents who are resolved to believe...

Helping Siblings Cope
May 6, 2019

When a child is first diagnosed with cancer, the parent’s focus is inevitably on getting their child the care and treatment they need.  This focus continues through treatment and can last months or even years.  It is a very...

What Really Happens In the Play Room
April 22, 2019

  I often get questions about play therapy like, “Are you just playing games?” “How is this different from kids playing at home or at school?” etc. The answer to those questions are always “We are doing so much...

Sibling Rivalry: How to Stop the Madness
April 1, 2019

Since the beginning of time, siblings have been at each other’s throats.  It’s one of the most frustrating things for parents and one of the most difficult things to manage.  The tattling, the bickering, the never-ending shout for mom...

How You Can Help Your Kids With Anxiety!
March 18, 2019

When we see our children struggling with anxious behaviors and not being able to help them in the moment, it can be hard. Here we want to provide a few Do’s and Don’ts on how to help keep anxiety...

Anxiety Red Flags
February 25, 2019

When we are trying to determine our children’s problematic anxious behaviors, there are a few “red flags” that we can look for as warning signs. These signs are signals for us to watch for in order to beware if...

Caring for Your Aging Parent
January 28, 2019

Assuming the position of caretaker to the person whom you have depended on for a lifetime is both physically and emotionally overwhelming. Every family’s specific situation is unique, yet we all face many of the same challenges. Listed below...

Dyscalculia: Learning Disability in Math
November 19, 2018

Parents of children struggling with math in school may wonder whether their child has a learning disability.  Dyscalculia is the name of the learning disorder specifically associated with difficulty grasping basic math concepts.  The difficulty is diagnosed as a...

4 Tips for Co-parenting with a Narcissist
November 5, 2018

Co-parenting is a dance to learn and it may always require effort for both parties involved, however, co-parenting with someone who is truly diagnosed with the personality disorder known as narcissism may require extra effort in order to build...