Parents & Parenting

Does My Child Have A Learning Disability?
December 1, 2014

If your child is struggling in school despite receiving extra help, you may be wondering if your child has a learning disability. Figuring out whether your child has a learning disability, and what to do about it, can become...

Should I Get My Child Tested for ADHD?
October 27, 2014

A child’s eyes dart from one part of the classroom to another. He blurts out answers before his name is called by his teacher. He fidgets with his hands and will not keep his legs still while seated. He...

Surviving the Boredom of Summer Sameness
May 28, 2013

After spring break, every kid starts counting down the days until summer break. They can’t wait to put their books and brains away for a couple of months and focus on fun. However, it doesn’t take long before they...

Confidence Goes a Long Way In Deterring a Bully
March 3, 2013

In case you missed it, the Anderson Cooper 360º documentary, “The Bully Effect,” is re-airing Sunday night at 8pm on CNN. AC360º follows the lives of three families since they were featured in Lee Hirch’s film, Bully. The presence...

Prevention Starts at Home: Teaching Children about Safe Touch
June 29, 2012

Child Abuse – A Rising Epidemic Child abuse is a rising epidemic in our country. According to, a report of child abuse is made every 10 seconds. Treatment for sexual abuse, in particular, is a very delicate and...

Play Therapy: It’s Not Just Glorified Playtime
March 19, 2012

Have you ever noticed the glazed look your 9 year-old gives you when you begin to give a lecture or the way your 4 year-old begins looking around the room when you sit him or her down to have...

Protect Your Children!
November 13, 2011

With all the media coverage about the Penn State case this week, my friend Allen Hunt asked me to join him on The Allen Hunt Show to talk about sexual abuse and protecting our children. Here are few quick...

It’s Planting Time
July 13, 2011

My daughter recently called about planting some sweet potatoes.  She reminded me it is a good time to plant them so they would be grown by Fall.  One of the most stubborn spiritual rules in the universe is ‘whatsoever a man...

Getting a Divorce? Helpful Tips and Guidelines to Assist Your Kids
March 31, 2011

There can be such upheaval, emotional and physical, during the process of divorce for all family members. Here are some tips to assist your family and your kids, as you process and adjust to your new reality, and work...

The blended family: Be careful before you “step” when involved in kids transitioning between households
December 28, 2010

He who is greatest among you shall be your servant; whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. Matthew 23:11-12 One of the most confusing and humbling jobs to have in life must be...