Stress & Emotions

Biopsychosocial Science of Stress
September 17, 2010

When science looks at stress, the focus is on the body/mind interaction or, more precisely, on its psychological and physiological mechanisms. Our genes and the environment in which we grow up (in which our genes are expressed) determine how we...

The EQ of Relationships
September 14, 2010

We’re social creatures, and the life best lived often depends on our ability to create and maintain healthy relationships. Success, happiness, and the ability to give and receive love all hinge on our relationship skills. Most of us do a good...

The #1 Reason Stress Is My Friend
September 9, 2010

Stress has been my friend for years. Not always a pleasant friend, and often an uncomfortable one—even downright painful, occasionally. Many times stress has come around with bad news, many times with good news, and always when something new,...

Handling the Holy-days: Managing the Special Stresses of Christmas
June 7, 2010

1. Attitude and Expectations As with most things, handling the Holiday season begins not with to-do lists or your surroundings, but inside you with your spiritual, emotional, and mental attitude. To begin this inward preparation you may want to:...

Can I be Depressed?
June 7, 2010

Steve* found that he felt disconnected from his wife and two daughters. Sometimes he felt angry and would explode at whoever was near, but mostly he felt numb. He spent hours staring blankly at the television. But when he...

Anger Management: The Nature of Anger
June 7, 2010

Bruce*  is a 45-year-old professional person who suffers from anger management problems.  Bruce is married and has two children (a boy and a girl). To the outside world, Bruce is a nice, decent person. He is a good provider...