Stress & Emotions

How to Manage Our Household Anxieties
March 30, 2020

So here we are, still at home with school remaining out, all due COVID-19 and keeping each other healthy and safe. Yet, how do we keep our household happy and calm with everyone home and getting annoyed? We have...

Five Tips To Find Some Normalcy During A Not-So-Normal Time
March 24, 2020

“This all feels so surreal”, “weird”, or “uncertain of the future” are just a few phrases that I have (virtually) heard over the past week from loved ones. Our beloved pets are so happy that we are constantly home...

Mental and Emotional Flexibility in the Age of COVID-19
March 17, 2020

If you scroll through social media feeds, you’ll find a lot of advice about how to “flatten the curve” of the COVID-19 pandemic.  You may be told to take the virus and its effect on your physical health very...

Building Resiliency with Self-Care
December 2, 2019

A key way to maintain good behavioral health hygiene is to build resiliency into your daily life. Resilience is your ability to handle adversity – when life gives you lemons, are you face down on the floor or already...

Giving the Gift of Validation
November 18, 2019

Validation is important because it communicates I hear you, I see you, and I care. When experienced from others it can feel like you have received the gift of acceptance and feeling understood. This is what makes learning the...

Taking Care of Your Mind by Taking Care of Your Body
October 14, 2019

As the weeks are progressing and the months turn into fall, I have been hearing from more and more of my clients about their stress level, study schedule, and difficulty managing everything they have to accomplish. It can be...

October 7, 2019

There are times in our lives when we feel as though we are in a period of transition, shifting from one place to another. Waiting for the movement of transitioning to cease and to be at a point where...

A Simple Fix to a Bad Day
August 26, 2019

  Have you ever had one of those days where everything goes wrong? Or maybe you feel irritable for unknown reasons and you can’t shake the feeling.  Marsha Linehan, the founder of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and her team created a...

Make It Positive
August 19, 2019

  Often times when I’m meeting with parents for the first time to discuss therapy for their child, parents feel desperate for help and change as soon as possible, yet they understand that even with therapy it will take...

Surviving Your Partner’s Depression
July 15, 2019

If your partner is suffering from depression, you may be feeling helpless, overwhelmed, frustrated and confused.  Trying to help may have left you feeling rejected, ignored or alone.  Your depressed partner needs love and support, but you alone cannot...