Stress & Emotions

Managing Food Fears during the Holidays
December 24, 2018

Holidays mean a variety of things – family, friends, joy, parties, holiday meals, and even heightened anxiety if you’re struggling with food fear, body image concerns, or disordered eating. Gatherings that are centered on food can quickly create feelings...

Music for Mental Health
December 17, 2018

When you need to focus on a project, must tackle a long to-do list of boring tasks, or just have had a hard day, you might crank up the sounds of whatever music inspires you. Music is a natural mood booster, and research now confirms that music not only influences our moods, but can reduce the negative effects of stress,...

“Empty Nest” Transition – What’s Next?
December 17, 2018

The transition to an “empty nest” from a full one is a big one, to say the least.  While parents know the end goal is to help support their children become independent adults, the experience of their leaving home...

Finding the “We” by Holding onto Hope
December 3, 2018

Sometimes it can feel as though we live in a country that is becoming more and more divided. Turning on the news comes with an emotional assault and reminder that there is always an “us” and a “them”. More...

From Surviving to Thriving Through the Holidays
November 13, 2018

It can be the most wonderful time of the year, or it can be one of the most challenging On top of our weekly responsibilities, there can be added financial stress of buying presents or hosting family and friends,...

More than your Diagnosis – Differentiating Between Mental Illness and Burnout
November 6, 2018

In recent months, I have noticed an increasing trend in some of my more “acute” clients. These are people who have been in therapy on and off for several years and have come to terms with their various diagnoses....

How to Get your Teen Invested in Therapy
September 13, 2018

Watching your teenager struggle with life’s difficulties can be challenging.  Not knowing how to help can prove to be even harder.  If your teenager is having difficulty in school or extra-curricular activities, or is struggling in relationships, therapy might...

DBT for College Aged Students: Is This Class Right for Me?
May 14, 2018

So you’re already struggling, and now you have to go to college. College often involves more responsibility which is tough when you’re already struggling. Maybe your life feels like an uphill climb, in the rain, in knee-deep mud? Does...

Why Self-Care is More Productive in the Long-Run
May 2, 2018

Culture today constantly tells us, “keep pushing,” “there aren’t enough hours in the day,” “hustle,” or “work harder”. We are always receiving messages that what we’re doing is not enough, who we are is not enough, or if we...

Managing Spring Fever
May 1, 2018

It’s been cold for several months and now the seasons are starting to change. The sun is warm, the flowers are blooming, and it feels great to be outside. Now that the weather is warmer you may find yourself...