Substance Abuse, Addiction & Compulsion

Understanding Addiction’s 3 Stages Could Help Us Treat The Disease
February 8, 2016

Addiction actually changes the brain. Huffington Post (1/28) Experts who research addiction have long argued that it is a disease of the brain. Now, in a new paper, they present a model of addiction, broken down into three key...

Teen Drug Addiction: It’s mushrooming out of control
October 20, 2014

In today’s society, kids are experimenting with everything at much earlier ages:  drugs and sex being the most prevalent and widely linked together. Parents commonly believe that street drugs draw the kids into chemical addiction, but the real gateway...

It’s Planting Time
July 13, 2011

My daughter recently called about planting some sweet potatoes.  She reminded me it is a good time to plant them so they would be grown by Fall.  One of the most stubborn spiritual rules in the universe is ‘whatsoever a man...

Recovery for Good
February 28, 2011

Some things are wonderful for a short while, but really awful if they don’t last! Marriage is a wonderful experience but when it doesn’t last you wish it never happened. Friendship is wonderful until lying starts then you regret...

How Science Helps Us Understand Addiction
December 14, 2010

We want to make a terrific resource available to you.  This publication from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) presents what current science has to say about substance abuse and addiction, with special focus on how substances affect...

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body
November 17, 2010

The trouble with always trying to preserve the health of the body is that it is so difficult to do without destroying the health of the mind.  ~G.K. Chesterton An adorned body without a sound mind is really not...

Court Diversion Services Underway
October 6, 2010

Got substance related court problems? Check out our services to address both legal and substance abuse issues at the same time. Services are available at The Summit Counseling Center in Alpharetta and at Forsyth MAPP Diversion Program, Cumming. (

Synthetic Marijuana Testing is HERE!
September 10, 2010

Synthetic marijuana, K-2,Serenity, Spice,Genie, Smoke,Pot-pourri,Buzz, Hush, and other names are used to describe a drug alternative to marijuana.  It is sold on the street and used in our community by young people.  “Spice”, one of the more familiar names, is...

Issues With Eating
June 7, 2010

Eating problems have lots of faces. Were you to look up emotional eater or yo-yo dieter in the dictionary you’d find my name. Every ebb and flow of life was punctuated with food. Without boring you with the details,...

What is Addiction?
June 7, 2010

So, what is Addiction anyway? I was recently doing a workshop on Understanding Addiction. During the workshop, a gentleman wondered out loud whether addiction to mind and mood altering substances is really a disease. His question gave other people,...