
Flexibility & Adaptability: Channeling New Strengths     
October 2, 2020

It is no surprise that the year 2020 has brought each of us a multitude of emotions: fear, anxiety, loneliness, frustration, and confusion to name a few. Change has been an ever-present concept this year, placing us in situations...

Why Self-Care?
September 22, 2020

Are you worn out? Stressed? Overwhelmed by the day-to-day schedules and to-do lists? In our society today, it can be hard to slow down and take time for yourself. Culture says do more and get after it! However, if...

Self-Care: Taking Care of Your Body
November 4, 2019

Self-care is doing activities to take care of your mental, emotional, and physical health. Practicing self-care helps us reduce stress and manage our emotions better. Lack of self-care can lead to increased stress and illness overtime. While taking care...

October 28, 2019

As human beings, we value relationships and belonging. We want to be accepted and to be a part of communities that provide us with peace, security, and love. These desires are natural and the feeling of being connected to...

Taking Care of Your Mind by Taking Care of Your Body
October 14, 2019

As the weeks are progressing and the months turn into fall, I have been hearing from more and more of my clients about their stress level, study schedule, and difficulty managing everything they have to accomplish. It can be...

You Are Enough
July 29, 2019

“You are enough” is one of my most loved and most hated phrases. On the one hand, it can be very assuring. It can be the phrase that keeps you from comparing yourself to other people, especially unrealistic images...

Managing Your Body Image during Swimsuit Season
July 22, 2019

As spring break and summer nears, you may feel a little bit of body anxiety or insecurities creeping up. We have all heard phrases such as, “It’s swimsuit season, I need to diet” or “I need to work on...

DBT’s Guide to Self-Soothing
May 28, 2019

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a specialized type of cognitive therapy that focuses on helping individuals regulate their emotions, tolerate painful emotions, and maintain relationships with others. One of the skills DBT focuses on is self-soothing. Self-soothing is your...

6 Self Care Tips to Reduce Stress
April 15, 2019

  You can’t always control what stress life brings your way, but you can control how you choose to take care of yourself to reduce the tension you experience during those difficult times. Indulging in self-care helps you build...