Childhood Issues

Sibling Rivalry: How to Stop the Madness
April 1, 2019

Since the beginning of time, siblings have been at each other’s throats.  It’s one of the most frustrating things for parents and one of the most difficult things to manage.  The tattling, the bickering, the never-ending shout for mom...

How You Can Help Your Kids With Anxiety!
March 18, 2019

When we see our children struggling with anxious behaviors and not being able to help them in the moment, it can be hard. Here we want to provide a few Do’s and Don’ts on how to help keep anxiety...

How Do Attachment styles from Childhood Affect my Relationships Today?
February 11, 2019

You may not know that every person has a certain attachment style and it is often developed early on in life based on the relationships with your parents or caretakers. Knowing the effects of these attachment styles can help...

5 Fun and Engaging Ways to Boost Your Child’s Confidence
October 1, 2018

Every parent dreams of having a child who is brimming with confidence and healthy self-esteem. While some children just seem to have a natural born confidence, most of them need a little boost and parents can and should be...

The Art (not science) of Effective Discipline
April 30, 2018

Discipline can be a touchy subject.  Everyone has an opinion and a story to back up their opinion but there isn’t one cookie-cutter approach that will work for every child.  Even within one family, siblings may require something different...

Dyslexia and ADHD: The Importance of Psycho-Educational Assessment
March 16, 2018

Parents of children struggling in elementary and middle school often wonder whether their child has dyslexia or an attention deficit.  Psycho-educational testing is important for differential diagnosis of cognitive and academic difficulties, as well as for the development of...

Tackling ADHD at Home
November 29, 2017

The first 8 weeks of school have finally come and gone and it’s time for that first parent-teacher conference.  It’s going really well until you hear those dreaded comments about your precious kid- “They’re having a really hard time...

Mindfulness at Any Age
August 22, 2017

So, just what is this mindfulness you speak of? Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of our thoughts, emotions, or experiences—where we are and what we’re doing, on a moment-to-moment basis. Mindfulness avoids judgment...

Child-Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT) – What is it?
August 17, 2017

Parenting is just hard.  While it comes naturally to some, it doesn’t come naturally to all.  Luckily, there are a ton of great books out there to give you hand.  Very few of them, however, actually give you ways...

5 Ways to Build Communication with Your Middle Schooler
August 15, 2017

Set up a date – schedule a reoccurring monthly one on one date with your middle schooler where they are encouraged to think of topics they want to discuss with you and in return you get to pick one...