Childhood Issues

Anxiety and Executive Function
July 8, 2015

Anxiety can affect a child’s functioning in many different aspects of his or her daily life.  While mild levels of stress can actually improve performance for some activities, clinically significant anxiety is detrimental to a child’s emotional well-being.  Chronic...

Conquering Shyness
July 7, 2015

In a culture where video games and texting are preferred over play dates and live discussions, it’s not surprising that more parents are bringing their children to therapy for help with social skills. For some children phone time instead...

What “Inside Out” can teach your kids about emotions
June 26, 2015

If you haven’t taken your kids to see Inside Out, or if they saw it without you, run (don’t walk) to your nearest movie theater and see it immediately.  The movie has only been out a week and I’ve...

ADHD and Social Skills
May 21, 2015

ADHD can significantly impact children’s social skills. With ADHD there is an impulse-control component that makes it difficult for children to control themselves in social settings, and can also potentially lead to trouble reading social cues. Impatience, Frustration, More...

ADHD Treatment Options in Children
May 12, 2015

When your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, taking the next steps to decide how to best approach treating this as a family can be overwhelming. While perhaps there can be some relief in the definitive diagnosis, the amount...

ADHD Screening
April 9, 2015

By their very nature, children are often distractible.  A short attention span, especially in the face of a stimulating environment, is to be expected for many curious and interested children.  Young children are typically blessed with an abundance of...

Does My Child Have A Learning Disability?
December 1, 2014

If your child is struggling in school despite receiving extra help, you may be wondering if your child has a learning disability. Figuring out whether your child has a learning disability, and what to do about it, can become...

Should I Get My Child Tested for ADHD?
October 27, 2014

A child’s eyes dart from one part of the classroom to another. He blurts out answers before his name is called by his teacher. He fidgets with his hands and will not keep his legs still while seated. He...

Protecting Your Child From A Bully
October 10, 2014

There are few things more frightening to an adolescent than being the victim of a bully. The National Center on Educational Statistics reports that 28% of children in 6th to 12th grade have admitted to being a victim of...