
How to Manage Our Household Anxieties
March 30, 2020

So here we are, still at home with school remaining out, all due COVID-19 and keeping each other healthy and safe. Yet, how do we keep our household happy and calm with everyone home and getting annoyed? We have...

When “Perfect” Isn’t Good
March 18, 2020

Are you wondering, “Why is my child so easily stressed/overwhelmed?” “Why is my child so easily frustrated?” or “Is my child struggling with perfectionism?” If you ask these questions, there is a reasonable chance your child may struggle with...

5 Social Skills that Every Kid Needs to Master Part III
March 18, 2020

We’ve come to our final two social skills that every kid needs to master. While there are more than just 5 social skills, these five are foundational for all others that develop over time. #4 Recognizing Feelings in Others...

The Importance of Superheroes in Play
March 18, 2020

Superheroes have always been around but lately it seems they have increased in the movies and television, so it would be only natural that our children are interested. Entering fantasy play can allow kids to unburden themselves and have...

De-escalating Situations with a Child
March 18, 2020

Do you have a child that is constantly “Acting out” or participating in “undesirable behaviors”? What if there is secondary gain involved? How can I tell the difference between if a child needs more attention or if there is...

Helping Your Middle Schooler Be Safe in a Technological World
March 18, 2020

Middle school is a time in your child’s life where they will embark in curiosity like never before. Middle schoolers are constantly growing, changing, and exploring; and in 2020, times are different, as most interactions with each other are...

5 Tips for Improving Your Child’s Sleep Hygiene
September 9, 2019

It’s common knowledge that children need plenty of sleep. Depending on their age, most children need anywhere between 9 and 13 hours of sleep in order to be at their best. While children sleep, their brains are actively sorting...

4 Tips for Co-parenting with a Narcissist
November 5, 2018

Co-parenting is a dance to learn and it may always require effort for both parties involved, however, co-parenting with someone who is truly diagnosed with the personality disorder known as narcissism may require extra effort in order to build...

Executive Function and the Regulation of Emotion in Development
October 29, 2018

Mastery of the regulation of one’s emotions is a life-long process.  Psychiatrist Erik Erikson (1959) posited that humans must go through eight stages of social-emotional development as they mature into early adulthood and then on to later adulthood.1  Each...

5 Fun and Engaging Ways to Boost Your Child’s Confidence
October 1, 2018

Every parent dreams of having a child who is brimming with confidence and healthy self-esteem. While some children just seem to have a natural born confidence, most of them need a little boost and parents can and should be...