Communication SKills

Unlocking Discipline: The 5 Critical Components
May 21, 2024

Discipline is often misconstrued as a form of punishment and what comes to mind most is spanking. However, the essence of discipline is teaching and guiding. At its core discipline means providing structure, consistency, and setting limits. Schedules and...

Fostering Independence
April 22, 2024

“It’s a tough world out there, and my children need to be provided with every advantage so they can be competitive in the college or job market.” The above is a parent trap. As parents it is normal to...

What is Social Media Telling Me?
April 22, 2024

Keeping up with our teens and their social media use can be a challenge. There are so many platforms and apps that can be explored. It can be difficult to keep up with them all. One thing we can...

Finding a Place of Honesty, Authenticity, and Love
April 19, 2024

Can you tell your partner everything? When intimate relationships are built on a foundation of honesty, they can reach a level of profound authenticity and mutual understanding. But since the beginning of time, it seems, people have been prone...