
Keeping Routines Through the Holidays
November 8, 2021

Last school year, kids were constantly wondering if they would be in the school building or learning virtually. Teachers and parents spent the beginning of this school year fielding the questions of what will this year look like? With...

To be Young, Black and Depressed
October 1, 2021

There has been more acknowledgement, inclusion and research regarding the disproportionate rates of depression, lack of mental health accessibility and lack of individuals seeking therapy due to the stigma that still resides within the black community. We’ve seen the...

Is Social Media “Influencing” Our Youth?
October 1, 2021

Social media: something that has become impossible for some of us to live without. Especially the teens in our life. Social media is a great way to stay connected, this past year has proved that. But how much is...

Tips for Parenting in Stepfamilies
September 30, 2021

Newly married couples with children from a previous marriage are often surprised at the challenges they face as a stepfamily. For many children, adjusting to divorce is easier than becoming a stepfamily. Depending on the age of the children,...

Improving Communication with Your Teen
September 24, 2021

The parent/teenager relationship is one of the most important relationships a teenager will have in the emotionally charged teenage time of their lives; however, oftentimes the opposite occurs, with the teenager pushing the parent away. This can, in turn,...

Stress on Kids During the Pandemic
September 20, 2021

The coronavirus pandemic took the world by surprise in March 2020. It was a new journey for everyone. Parents had to wear many hats during this time- full-time parent, teacher, and employee. We had nationwide lockdowns, schools became virtual,...

Building Boundaries
September 2, 2021

Learning and understanding how to build boundaries with your family, peers and coworkers is essential to forming healthy relationships. Having healthy boundaries with others can look different for each relationship you have in your life. Having more rigid boundaries with...

Toxic Relationships Part 1: How to Identify
August 23, 2021

It is no secret that interpersonal relationships require compassion, time, and effort. Whether it is a romantic relationship, friendship, or a family member, it is crucial that each person is utilizing effective communication skills and doing their best to...

School and Anxiety During a Pandemic
August 9, 2021

Since March of 2020, families and children have had to make major adjustments in their lives due to the pandemic, especially when it is related to school. Many parents were left at home trying to figure out the best...

Back to School: Navigating the “New Norm”
August 9, 2021

There is so much going into this new 2021-2022 school year already and it has not even fully begun. For children who are returning to in-person learning, there may be anxiety overflowing far beyond just the first day jitters,...