Stress & Emotions

5 Ways to Ease Loneliness
January 26, 2018

There’s a difference between being alone and feeling lonely. Opening Snapchat, Instagram or Facebook makes it feel like everyone else in our lives are busy taking beautiful pictures, making lovely food, or going to exotic places. Loneliness sets in...

“The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” – Preparing for the Holidays
December 1, 2017

It’s that time of the year again- the time when the season starts to change. There is an increase in end of the year get togethers, tacky sweater parties, and holiday gatherings. While this season is called the “Most...

3 Clues that You’re Feeling Anxious
November 29, 2017

Often when I’m working with clients they ask me about the difference between stress and anxiety. I hear, “Everyone is stressed out so why can’t I handle this?” or “Why do I always feel tense?”. In a culture like...

6 Tips to Prepare for When Your College Student Come Home
November 28, 2017

With the holidays approaching, parents can often experience a mix of emotions, especially when their kids come home for the holidays. Parents often imagine having multiple conversations with their college student about his/her classes, new friends, and campus life....

Coping Ahead for the Holiday Season
November 21, 2017

Whether you have lost a child to cancer or your child is undergoing cancer treatment, the upcoming holiday season will not be typical of the holidays you have experienced in the past.  It is important and extremely helpful to...

Anxiety is a Powerful Word
October 20, 2017

We all experience anxiety from time to time. Sometimes, it’s the simple feeling of trying to remember if you got all the items on the grocery list as you drive home from the store. Sometimes it’s the overwhelming sensation...

Our Thoughts Matter
August 29, 2017

Anxiety is a gift!  Without anxiety, we may not study for a test, move out of the way of an oncoming car or make it to work on time.  Anxiety creates an urgency or fear that alerts us to...

Mindfulness at Any Age
August 22, 2017

So, just what is this mindfulness you speak of? Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of our thoughts, emotions, or experiences—where we are and what we’re doing, on a moment-to-moment basis. Mindfulness avoids judgment...

The Power of Therapy
April 28, 2017

There are a lot of reasons that people choose to seek counseling. The benefits of counseling can be unending, but sometimes making the first appointment can be hard. Maybe you’re thinking about whether it would be helpful, but are...

4 Ways to Weather the Waves of Transition/ Loss
April 11, 2017

Even for those of us who crave adventure, change can be terrifying. Whether it is expected change, like our students who are going from one school to the next, or unexpected change, like a lost job or loved one,...