Megan Barfield

What to Do When Feeling Defensive
January 20, 2020

Defensiveness is a factor dealt with in many relationships, whether it be constant trouble or a road block you encounter every now and then. We see defensiveness when we try to talk to someone about our feelings, experience, or...

How to Balance Connection & Boundaries During the Holiday Season
December 23, 2019

The holiday season can be filled with rich and joyous moments full of connection. The holiday season can also be filled with stress and overworking, trying to connect with family and friends and feeling overwhelmed and burdened in the...

October 28, 2019

As human beings, we value relationships and belonging. We want to be accepted and to be a part of communities that provide us with peace, security, and love. These desires are natural and the feeling of being connected to...

October 7, 2019

There are times in our lives when we feel as though we are in a period of transition, shifting from one place to another. Waiting for the movement of transitioning to cease and to be at a point where...

Leaning In to Life
January 14, 2019

Have you ever been on a boat when the rocking of the waves pulls your body from side to side; when the force of the water is strong enough to control you, dragging you whichever way it chooses, and...