Mental Health

Managing Spring Fever
May 1, 2018

It’s been cold for several months and now the seasons are starting to change. The sun is warm, the flowers are blooming, and it feels great to be outside. Now that the weather is warmer you may find yourself...

The Art (not science) of Effective Discipline
April 30, 2018

Discipline can be a touchy subject.  Everyone has an opinion and a story to back up their opinion but there isn’t one cookie-cutter approach that will work for every child.  Even within one family, siblings may require something different...

February 14, 2018

Welp… it’s finally here. Right when we think we’ve gotten past the craziness of all the holidays- one of the most dreaded (or anticipated) days has finally arrived. Some people spend this day with their significant others or partners,...

5 Ways to Ease Loneliness
January 26, 2018

There’s a difference between being alone and feeling lonely. Opening Snapchat, Instagram or Facebook makes it feel like everyone else in our lives are busy taking beautiful pictures, making lovely food, or going to exotic places. Loneliness sets in...

“The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” – Preparing for the Holidays
December 1, 2017

It’s that time of the year again- the time when the season starts to change. There is an increase in end of the year get togethers, tacky sweater parties, and holiday gatherings. While this season is called the “Most...

Tackling ADHD at Home
November 29, 2017

The first 8 weeks of school have finally come and gone and it’s time for that first parent-teacher conference.  It’s going really well until you hear those dreaded comments about your precious kid- “They’re having a really hard time...

3 Clues that You’re Feeling Anxious
November 29, 2017

Often when I’m working with clients they ask me about the difference between stress and anxiety. I hear, “Everyone is stressed out so why can’t I handle this?” or “Why do I always feel tense?”. In a culture like...

Anxiety is a Powerful Word
October 20, 2017

We all experience anxiety from time to time. Sometimes, it’s the simple feeling of trying to remember if you got all the items on the grocery list as you drive home from the store. Sometimes it’s the overwhelming sensation...

Our Thoughts Matter
August 29, 2017

Anxiety is a gift!  Without anxiety, we may not study for a test, move out of the way of an oncoming car or make it to work on time.  Anxiety creates an urgency or fear that alerts us to...

Parent Tips for Managing Effects of 13 Reasons Why
May 2, 2017

With Netflix being one of the most common avenues for entertainment, 13 Reasons Why is quickly becoming a popular show among preteens and teens right now. The series, 13 Reasons Why, is an adaptation of Jay Asher’s popular novel....