Stress & Emotions

Self-Care isn’t Selfish
March 12, 2021

As we reach the year anniversary of a time filled with confusion, fear, anger, and loss, we are all wondering how much longer we can handle what 2020 brought us. When can we safely gather with friends and family...

Setting a Self-Care Routine Can Help Improve Your Physical, Spiritual and Mental Well-Being
January 20, 2021

Making a commitment to self is one of the best New Year’s resolutions a person can make! With most of us quarantining during the past year due to Covid-19, it gave us the opportunity to take a step back...

The Importance of Giving
December 16, 2020

During the year, we have had many ups and downs. Throughout the months, we have been focused on survival and how to take care of our own household. This is understandable, we have to help ourselves before we are...

My Plate is Too Full – How to Manage Stress and Anxiety
October 2, 2020

Right about now, Covid fatigue is setting in.  According to Dr. Kotwicki of Skyland Trail in Atlanta, statistics from his psychiatric facility are showing an increase in anxiety-related admissions (2020).  Many people are being admitted for physical manifestations of...

Managing Stress & Anxiety
October 2, 2020

As I am sure we have all felt, the past months have brought on multiple stressors. In dealing with the global pandemic, working from home, your child’s school schedule changing, an economic depression, racial injustice, and many more, it...

Corroding Relationships with Contemptment
May 27, 2020

Another act besides criticizing that negatively impacts relationships is contemptment. This behavior is also known as disrespect or coming from a place of superiority. This is the biggest indicator of divorce according to Gottman’s research. Couples who are contemptuous...

Distracting from Racing Thoughts
May 20, 2020

We have all experienced racing thoughts that seem uncontrollable or impossible to untangle. Many times it can be helpful to reframe the thought or return to a calming mantra to feel grounded. These skills can work for many situations,...

Criticism vs. Complaint
May 18, 2020

In the past two months, we have been in close quarters with our partners and noticed some cute and some not so cute habits of theirs… Or maybe things were rocky before sheltering in place, and now those issues...

The Power of Music and Dance
March 31, 2020

Most of us love music and find ourselves singing or dancing along when our old favorite songs come through our radios. Almost everyone can think of times music and dance has positively impacted their lives. It can send shivers...

Addressing Our Grief Over COVID-19
March 30, 2020

Needless to say, there has been major changes in our world in the past month. We are all going to adjust and come terms with COVID-19 at different times and different levels. For instance, do you look outside your...