Teen Issues

Bullying in Middle School
May 18, 2020

We often hear this word being thrown around but what is bullying really? Stopbullying.gov defines bullying as unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the...

10 Fun and Unique Ways to Show Kindness
April 27, 2020

We have all heard of the golden rule: treat others the way you would like to be treated. Today we are going to lay out 10 tangible ways you can show kindness to others during this season. Leave an...

How to be a Good Friend
April 20, 2020

Friends are important. Especially when you are in your pre-teenage and teenage years friendships can become a vital social connection and place to safety figure out who you want to become. Listen and empathize—Ask about what is going on...

How to Talk to Kids About Vaping
April 13, 2020

  Use of JUUL and other highly addictive e-cigarettes is skyrocketing among young people. Doctors advise parents to start by educating themselves, so they know what they’re talking about going in, and to take an inquisitive and curious approach...

Transitions: How to Cope With Change and Set Realistic Expectations and Cope With Transition
April 6, 2020

Change is inevitable, in fact they say that the only thing in life that is constant is change. If we pay attention, we can see that even in nature things are constantly changing. The seasons change, the tide changes,...

Supportive Friends and Empowering Therapists
March 23, 2020

The scene is common. Usually, a group of men or women gathered around one distressed individual, plying them with tissues, words to bolster one’s masculinity, ice cream, and occasionally a nip of an adult beverage. For centuries, women and...

The Power of Self Compassion
March 18, 2020

Most of us can be critical of ourselves from time to time. We may judge our performance, appearance, behavior, or personality. Feelings of guilt or shame may prompt us to reflect on something we said or did. Reflecting on...

Sleep and Mental Health
March 18, 2020

When I was growing up, my mom would always ask us in the morning, “How did you sleep last night?” Now I find myself working with teens and asking them a slightly different question, “Did you sleep last night?”....

Helping Your Middle Schooler Be Safe in a Technological World
March 18, 2020

Middle school is a time in your child’s life where they will embark in curiosity like never before. Middle schoolers are constantly growing, changing, and exploring; and in 2020, times are different, as most interactions with each other are...

“Why Am I So Angry?” Part I
March 18, 2020

Have you ever gotten angry and you didn’t really know why? You know, the car in front of you is only going 5 mph OVER the speed limit and you are ready to start a fight. Or, the cashier...