Starting Kindergarten with a Bang!
August 4, 2016

Sending your baby off to big kid school for the first time can be daunting, emotional and exciting all at the same time. Starting kindergarten is a major milestone in every child’s life so it’s important to make that...

Why Seek Counseling?
July 19, 2016

  Have you ever seen a piece of furniture that looked worn and damaged but at the same time was mysteriously beautiful? One that had dents and scratches from years of use, yet still had something redeemable about it?...

How to Breathe: A Simple Way to Lower Anxiety in 5 Easy Steps
July 8, 2016

Anxiety can come out of nowhere. One moment you feel fine and then you remember that one assignment, relationship, email you didn’t send and suddenly it’s there: fear. Your chest tightens. Your mind races towards worst case scenarios. You...

Body Image: Learning Love and Acceptance
July 7, 2016

The idea that every individual should be a certain size and weight greatly affects the way we look at ourselves in the mirror. The promotion of a tiny waistline leads to judgements, over exercising, feeling depressed and anxious, body...

5 Signs that You Need DBT
June 30, 2016

Sometimes life can feel like an uphill climb, in the rain, in knee deep mud. Maybe it feels like you can never catch a break and everywhere you turn, something more challenging occurs. Maybe you feel like your emotions...

Want Kids to Succeed? Teach Them Focus
June 28, 2016

Reprinted from Daniel Goleman, on LinkedIn. In my previous post, I mentioned Clifford Nass’s research at Stanford that shows multitasking reduces our ability to concentrate. And, I shared the good news that recent research by University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers Thomas...

Talking to Kids about Divorce
June 23, 2016

  I can recall being 5 years-old and asking my mom and dad, what seemed like 99 questions, such as, “Why are we moving?”, “Why do I have to go to a new school?”, or “Why can’t we spend...

The Mind Diet
June 16, 2016

It seems impossible these days to skim the news and not see one article pertaining to happiness.  Headlines professing the secret to a happy marriage or tips on how to get want you want are one in a million....

5 Tips to Prep Your Teen for High School
June 7, 2016

The move from middle school to high school can be a significant change that involves a lot of adjustments for teenagers including meeting new people, attending different classes, getting used to new teachers, and most of all – going...

The Final Stretch – 6 Skills to Cope with Finals
May 9, 2016

As the school year comes to an end, students start feeling the pressure. The last month of school is jam packed with standardized testing, end of year projects, AP tests, and final exams. Students can almost taste the sweet...