Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Why Mindfulness?
December 9, 2019

Do you feel you often forget things or conversations?  Do you have difficulty staying focused or completing a task?  Do you find yourself feeling bored if you are not doing more than one thing at a time?  Do you...

Relieving Stress by Missing Class
November 26, 2019

As a clinician, one of the first things I hear from adults when speaking to them about school-based therapy is “but the student is missing class time” with an even bigger emphasis on missing academics. The rationale behind this...

3 Tips to Enjoy Autumn, Even More
September 4, 2019

Autumn is my favorite time of year. I love everything this time of the year brings, especially the return of football, cooler weather, pumpkin spice, and the brilliant colors we see as the leaves turn around our area. However,...

Back to School Blues
June 3, 2019

It’s that time of year! School is back in session! Excited students shuffle down the hallway in new shoes, hands gripping the straps of their new backpacks. School supplies are new and crisp, waiting to be put to use...