
Sober Curious Summer
July 2, 2024

Summer is officially upon us. The temperature is rising, kids are out of school, and we are spending more time outdoors. Whether it’s poolside snacks, barbeques, or picnics, people love any excuse to get together with friends for food...

Conquering Depression: A Comprehensive Guide to Relieving Symptoms
June 12, 2024

Depression is a complex and challenging condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Research shows that the best way to treat depression is through medication and talk therapy. On top of that there are several self- care strategies that...

Can Chronic Pain Impact Social Relationships?
June 12, 2024

“And here you are living despite it all.” – Rupi Kaur, author and poet Chronic pain can impact social relationships in significant ways. In this blog, we will discuss the impact of chronic pain on friendships and relationships, the...

Embracing Connection: A Guide to Overcoming Holiday Loneliness
December 8, 2023

The holiday season is often portrayed as a time of joy, warmth, and togetherness. However, for many, it can also be a period of intense loneliness. Whether you’re physically distant from loved ones, coping with loss, or simply feeling...

Summer Break and Covid-19
June 29, 2020

One of the most exciting parts of the year is here for students. Summer! Going to camp, hanging out with friends, and family trips are just a few of the things that Summer brings. However, our world has completely...

Planted Not Buried: The Ultimate Reframe
June 24, 2020

At this point in time many people are feeling as if our “new normal” is permanent. Information overload continues and it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up with what’s true and what’s not true. COVID-19 has led to job...

May 29, 2020

Many times when we get into arguments, one person in the relationship criticizes or is contemptuous, which often leads to the other partner feeling attacked. When someone is feeling attacked they get defensive or shuts down emotionally. Most of...

Distracting from Racing Thoughts
May 20, 2020

We have all experienced racing thoughts that seem uncontrollable or impossible to untangle. Many times it can be helpful to reframe the thought or return to a calming mantra to feel grounded. These skills can work for many situations,...

Criticism vs. Complaint
May 18, 2020

In the past two months, we have been in close quarters with our partners and noticed some cute and some not so cute habits of theirs… Or maybe things were rocky before sheltering in place, and now those issues...

Could You Get PTSD from Your Pandemic Experience? The Long-Term Mental Health Effects of Coronavirus
May 5, 2020

Written By: Cory Stieg @CORYSTIEG Experiencing intense flashbacks, nightmares, irritability, anger, and fear? In the face of a traumatic event like the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s common to feel this way. While many people associate post-traumatic stress disorder with something like war, it’s a chronic...