
Have you ever wondered “Is my child a bully?” or “Is bullying behavior affecting my child?”
June 22, 2020

Parents, teachers and counselors are noticing the increase of bullying in culture today. It is important to understand that both kids who are bullied and who bully others are at risk for serious and lasting emotional problems if the...

Kids Know Technology, Parents Know Relationships
June 22, 2020

Let’s face it, technology can be daunting, especially for those of us who did not earn a degree in computer science or some other technology related field. Technology is everywhere and encompasses a wide range of activities we engage...

Mom Just Listen to Me!
June 15, 2020

Sometimes we don’t feel like our parents listen to what we’re trying to say. That can be extremely frustrating and often leaves us feeling misunderstood. Here are a few tips to getting your parent to listen to what you’re...

Resources to Discuss Race With Your Child
June 9, 2020

At what age is it appropriate to start talking to your kids about race and racism? According to the educators and counselors, it is never too early to start the conversation. Here are 10 Tips For Talking & Teaching...

Is My Child Suffering from Anxiety?
June 8, 2020

Anxiety is an epidemic in today’s society. It rears its head in school, the work force, and in culture, affecting all ages. There are signs of it everywhere and it’s getting worse. While anxiety is a normal emotion to...

Why Your Kids Should Be Allowed To Tell You No Sometimes
May 4, 2020

One of the skills I end up having to teach almost all the kids I work with, no matter their presenting problem, is assertiveness. An anxious child may be too afraid to express how they feel and be passive...

Transitions: How to Cope With Change and Set Realistic Expectations and Cope With Transition
April 6, 2020

Change is inevitable, in fact they say that the only thing in life that is constant is change. If we pay attention, we can see that even in nature things are constantly changing. The seasons change, the tide changes,...

When “Perfect” Isn’t Good
March 18, 2020

Are you wondering, “Why is my child so easily stressed/overwhelmed?” “Why is my child so easily frustrated?” or “Is my child struggling with perfectionism?” If you ask these questions, there is a reasonable chance your child may struggle with...

5 Social Skills that Every Kid Needs to Master Part III
March 18, 2020

We’ve come to our final two social skills that every kid needs to master. While there are more than just 5 social skills, these five are foundational for all others that develop over time. #4 Recognizing Feelings in Others...

The Importance of Superheroes in Play
March 18, 2020

Superheroes have always been around but lately it seems they have increased in the movies and television, so it would be only natural that our children are interested. Entering fantasy play can allow kids to unburden themselves and have...