
Transitions: How to Cope With Change and Set Realistic Expectations and Cope With Transition
April 6, 2020

Change is inevitable, in fact they say that the only thing in life that is constant is change. If we pay attention, we can see that even in nature things are constantly changing. The seasons change, the tide changes,...

When “Perfect” Isn’t Good
March 18, 2020

Are you wondering, “Why is my child so easily stressed/overwhelmed?” “Why is my child so easily frustrated?” or “Is my child struggling with perfectionism?” If you ask these questions, there is a reasonable chance your child may struggle with...

5 Social Skills that Every Kid Needs to Master Part III
March 18, 2020

We’ve come to our final two social skills that every kid needs to master. While there are more than just 5 social skills, these five are foundational for all others that develop over time. #4 Recognizing Feelings in Others...

The Importance of Superheroes in Play
March 18, 2020

Superheroes have always been around but lately it seems they have increased in the movies and television, so it would be only natural that our children are interested. Entering fantasy play can allow kids to unburden themselves and have...

Helping Your Middle Schooler Be Safe in a Technological World
March 18, 2020

Middle school is a time in your child’s life where they will embark in curiosity like never before. Middle schoolers are constantly growing, changing, and exploring; and in 2020, times are different, as most interactions with each other are...

Suicide Prevention
February 10, 2020

Suicide is an epidemic that has been impacting our nation and community. It’s important to take some time to touch on this difficult topic. A big part of this is learning to be intentional about noticing things in your...

Body Appreciation and How to Compliment Others
February 3, 2020

How do we show our appreciation for our children? We may show up to support them at their softball games and chorus recitals, give hugs and pats on the back after they’ve had a long day, or express words...

Embracing the Changes, Challenges, and the New
February 3, 2020

Summer is gone, and by this time of the year your kids are settling into the new school year.  A new school year can bring about a variety of emotions for your student and for you as a parent....

If You Are on The Fence About Counseling…
January 27, 2020

Since becoming a counselor, it has continued to surprise me how many misconceptions there are out there about counseling and mental health care. In fact, one of the very first clients I ever had asked me if he had...

Gaining Connection with Your Child
January 13, 2020

We are all busy, let’s face it. As adults we are working, parenting, and squeezing in “adult time”; and children are studying in school, doing activities after school, and playing with friends. With our busy schedules, we feel guilt...