
Understanding and Managing Anger: A Guide for Kids
January 24, 2025

How are you feeling today? This is a question we hear often. But what is the answer? Some feelings are easy to understand while others are confusing and not as easy to understand and express. We can also feel...

Fostering Independence for Anxious Children
January 24, 2025

Parenting a child with anxiety and social challenges can feel like a delicate balancing act. On one hand, you want to provide them with the comfort and support they need. On the other, you know it’s important to encourage...

How to Talk to Your Teen ( Part 1 )
January 24, 2025

Recently, I became a parent to a teenager. Now, I have been his parent his whole life. However, I understand that our communication needs to evolve from how I spoke to him when he was 3 and how I...

The Anxious Generation: Book Review
January 23, 2025

If you have ever thought… Kids these days are always on their phones! My middle schooler never spends time with any friends in person. Taking my high schooler’s phone as a consequence causes more problems than it’s worth. Why...

Supporting Teenagers Through Difficult Times
January 14, 2025

Adolescence is a time of growth, change, and challenges. For many teens, it can be difficult to navigate academic pressures, social dynamics, and personal struggles. As a parent, it can be challenging to know when to step in and...

Recognizing Signs of Anxiety in Children: A Short Guide for Parents
October 23, 2024

The First Step is Recognition Anxiety can be tough for anyone, and it can be especially scary for parents when their child experiences these difficult feelings. However, with the support of family, a trusted support system, and professional help...

Understanding ADHD in Teens
October 11, 2024

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood. It is usually first diagnosed in childhood and often lasts into adulthood. The essential feature of ADHD is a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity...

Co-Parenting After Divorce
October 11, 2024

The goal of healthy co-parenting after divorce is to minimize the conflict between the parents. Research shows that it’s the conflict between the parents, not the divorce itself, that has the greatest negative impact on the children. What are...

The Visual Aid: an Invaluable Tool to Help Children Manage Their Emotions
October 11, 2024

Recall the last time you witnessed a child having a temper tantrum. Did it help to tell them to just “calm down?” Probably not. In fact, it most likely made the tantrum worse. Now, what if you had tried...

Size of the Problem: Helping Children Match Their Feelings and Reactions to a Problem
October 1, 2024

Size of the Problem (SotP) is a tool used to help individuals think critically about how their feelings and responses to a perceived problem impact themselves and the people around them. Simply put, it helps people understand how big...