
De-Escalating a Meltdown
March 31, 2022

On airplanes, we are taught to put on our masks first before helping others in a crisis. The same goes for managing a meltdown with little ones. This may mean stepping away first from the situation (assuming the child...

Strategies for Communicating with Your Teenage Daughter
February 28, 2022

There comes a time when every mother-daughter relationship has stress – which usually comes around the teenage years. Mothers are always trying to protect their daughters which can lead to confrontation around this age period. As mothers, you naturally...

Can You Mourn Something You Never Had?
February 4, 2022

By Dr. Mollie Innocent-Cupid, Deputy Executive Director As a child therapist, I work with many children who have been abandoned by one or both of their biological parents. Some of these kids are unaffected by their abandonment and have...

Parenting: Giving Yourself Permission to Self-Care (Guilty Feelings Not Included)
January 24, 2022

I’m even more grateful for growing up with the Christmas experience of older brothers assembling gifts together for me when I was a little, especially now as a parent of a seven-year-old girl whose favorite things in the world...

What is Play Therapy, Exactly?
January 24, 2022

The subgenre of play therapy is one that has many sceptics due to the subjective nature of play. Many people (including therapists of other subgroups) struggle with feel like ‘playing’ is a valid and beneficial form of therapy; however,...

Sharing With Your Child Their Autism Diagnosis
January 6, 2022

Has your child been diagnosed with autism? Are you wondering when and how to share that diagnosis with your child? In this article, we are going to discuss how to best share this diagnosis with your child. It is...

Today’s Worries are Enough for Today
January 6, 2022

“No one ever sank under the burden of the day. It is when tomorrow’s burden is added to the burden of today that the weight is more than one can bear.” -George MacDonald It seems that anxiety is on...

How Can I Help My Child When They Are Emotional?
January 6, 2022

This is a question that many parents ask. When children are upset adults often believe they can process and express how they feel. This is not always true; however, here are few tools that can begin to change the...

Checking-In With You
December 21, 2021

Like many children, I was fascinated with questions. Any parents reading, I imagine you have found yourself frustrated by the infamous question of “why” that your child may ask when he or she doesn’t get their way. I also...

Helping Your Child Regulate Their Emotions
December 13, 2021

Children and adolescents learn so much about how to navigate obstacles simply by watching their parents. They are like little sponges that soak up a lot of what they observe from their own homes and people in their lives...