
Transitions: How to Cope With Change and Set Realistic Expectations and Cope With Transition
April 6, 2020

Change is inevitable, in fact they say that the only thing in life that is constant is change. If we pay attention, we can see that even in nature things are constantly changing. The seasons change, the tide changes,...

When “Perfect” Isn’t Good
March 18, 2020

Are you wondering, “Why is my child so easily stressed/overwhelmed?” “Why is my child so easily frustrated?” or “Is my child struggling with perfectionism?” If you ask these questions, there is a reasonable chance your child may struggle with...

Sleep and Mental Health
March 18, 2020

When I was growing up, my mom would always ask us in the morning, “How did you sleep last night?” Now I find myself working with teens and asking them a slightly different question, “Did you sleep last night?”....

How Does Sleep Affect Your Emotional Life?
February 24, 2020

Parents of adolescents often tell me that their children stay up too late, usually on electronic devices, and that they are sleep-deprived during much of the school year.  Most parents assume that poor or insufficient sleep is impacting their...

The Perfectionist and Procrastination
February 6, 2020

Perfectionism is defined as striving towards the impossibly high goal of perfection. The trap that exists with this type of standard is that the perfectionists can never be good enough – if it isn’t perfect, it’s horrible. Unfortunately, perfectionism...

Embracing the Changes, Challenges, and the New
February 3, 2020

Summer is gone, and by this time of the year your kids are settling into the new school year.  A new school year can bring about a variety of emotions for your student and for you as a parent....

If You Are on The Fence About Counseling…
January 27, 2020

Since becoming a counselor, it has continued to surprise me how many misconceptions there are out there about counseling and mental health care. In fact, one of the very first clients I ever had asked me if he had...

How to Balance Connection & Boundaries During the Holiday Season
December 23, 2019

The holiday season can be filled with rich and joyous moments full of connection. The holiday season can also be filled with stress and overworking, trying to connect with family and friends and feeling overwhelmed and burdened in the...

Effectively Navigating Change
December 16, 2019

Fall is approaching and there will be significant changes in our world. Leaves will fall and the temperature will as well. This is a change that we expect to happen each year. Expected changes can be nice however does...

Why Mindfulness?
December 9, 2019

Do you feel you often forget things or conversations?  Do you have difficulty staying focused or completing a task?  Do you find yourself feeling bored if you are not doing more than one thing at a time?  Do you...