Alice Hoag

Training the Mind: “Think on These Things”
April 12, 2022

I have a client who came in highly distressed because she feared she was about to have an affair: “I was at work the other day, and I was looking at a male coworker. I wondered what it would...

Metaphor: The Book of Your Life – Part 3: The Characters in Your Story
January 14, 2022

In previous blogs, I encouraged you to view your life as your own unique story, written by only you, although influenced by your family of origin and other significant relationships. In today’s blog, I’d like to explore the influence...

Metaphor: The Book of Your Life – Part 2: Your Unique Story
January 14, 2022

“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts,…” -Shakespeare Who are you?  I once attended a seminar during which the participants were asked...

Metaphor: The Book of Your Life – Part 1: An Introduction
October 1, 2021

In my practice, I often use metaphors to illustrate many truths which can be applied in people’s lives to promote understanding, healing or enrichment.  One of my favorite metaphors, which underpins several others, is the notion of the “book”...

Respectful Parenting – Part 1
March 19, 2021

I am privileged to be the mother of 3 young men ages 24, 22, and 19. The blessing came only after a 4-year struggle with infertility wherein I went through almost every fertility procedure known at the time to...

December 21, 2020

Self-care has almost become an art on social media where one can find hedonistic ways of pleasuring one’s body with massages, products, and procedures, as well as indulgent ways of pampering one’s soul with romance, hobbies, and other pleasant...

My Plate is Too Full – How to Manage Stress and Anxiety
October 2, 2020

Right about now, Covid fatigue is setting in.  According to Dr. Kotwicki of Skyland Trail in Atlanta, statistics from his psychiatric facility are showing an increase in anxiety-related admissions (2020).  Many people are being admitted for physical manifestations of...

The Path to Reconciliation
August 18, 2020

“I’m sorry. I was wrong. Please forgive me.” These words are often cited as facilitating the process of forgiveness. While helpful, they are woefully inadequate when attempting a reconciliation in the face of serious wounding and betrayal, such as...