Childhood Issues

5 Social Skills that Every Kid Needs to Master Part I
December 30, 2019

We are living in an increasingly digital world. As a result, social skills that were so easily developed 20 years ago are becoming less and less natural to our children. Rather than going around the neighborhood to see who...

Effectively Navigating Change
December 16, 2019

Fall is approaching and there will be significant changes in our world. Leaves will fall and the temperature will as well. This is a change that we expect to happen each year. Expected changes can be nice however does...

Relieving Stress by Missing Class
November 26, 2019

As a clinician, one of the first things I hear from adults when speaking to them about school-based therapy is “but the student is missing class time” with an even bigger emphasis on missing academics. The rationale behind this...

Video Games – How Much is Too Much?
September 30, 2019

We have all seen the rise and fall of trends in play in our children: slime, fidget spinners, and more, but what seems to stick around are video games. These games stick around because there is always something new...

How to Tackle Bedtime
September 23, 2019

Getting down a bedtime routine is like nailing the perfect recipe. In order to have a successful, stress-free, bedtime there are a few keys ingredients that go a long way when it comes to sweet dreams. Consistency Try to...

5 Tips for Improving Your Child’s Sleep Hygiene
September 9, 2019

It’s common knowledge that children need plenty of sleep. Depending on their age, most children need anywhere between 9 and 13 hours of sleep in order to be at their best. While children sleep, their brains are actively sorting...

3 Tips to Enjoy Autumn, Even More
September 4, 2019

Autumn is my favorite time of year. I love everything this time of the year brings, especially the return of football, cooler weather, pumpkin spice, and the brilliant colors we see as the leaves turn around our area. However,...

How To Talk To Your Kids About Going To Therapy
September 3, 2019

  There are many different ways a child becomes one of my clients: I’ve had kids google therapists, print out my profile, and ask their parent to schedule an appointment with me, often times families are referred, or maybe...

Make It Positive
August 19, 2019

  Often times when I’m meeting with parents for the first time to discuss therapy for their child, parents feel desperate for help and change as soon as possible, yet they understand that even with therapy it will take...

You Are Enough
July 29, 2019

“You are enough” is one of my most loved and most hated phrases. On the one hand, it can be very assuring. It can be the phrase that keeps you from comparing yourself to other people, especially unrealistic images...