
Holidays: Dealing with Those Challenging In-Laws
December 11, 2014

It’s the most wonderful time of year. So many parties, so much fun, so much…stress! For a lot of people, dealing with family raises the blood pressure! Difficult in-laws just add a whole new layer of problems, issues and...

Coping Strategies For Caregivers
November 3, 2014

There is no way to prepare in advance for being a caregiver for a family member with a serious illness. It’s simply not a role that we anticipate taking on. Unfortunately, severe illnesses and disabilities do happen. And the...

Discernment Counseling for Couples on the Brink of Divorce
December 23, 2013

A common scenario in marriage therapy is what has been termed the “mixed agenda couple:” one partner desperately wants to work on and save the marriage, while the other partner is ready to call it quits and file for...

The Essence of Good Relations Is Fair Fighting
September 26, 2011

A Reflection From The GRAPES Regarding The Essence of Good Relations with Family Your companions are like buttons on an elevator. They will either take you up or take you down. “He that walketh with wise men shall be...

The blended family: Be careful before you “step” when involved in kids transitioning between households
December 28, 2010

He who is greatest among you shall be your servant; whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. Matthew 23:11-12 One of the most confusing and humbling jobs to have in life must be...