
Handling Big Emotions and Helping Your Child Calm Down
January 7, 2020

Every child is different, and that includes their reactions to things. You may see that your child has a different reaction to their siblings, peers, or cousins. That is ok, some children just feel things more intensely than others....

Teaching Your Child About Emotions
January 7, 2020

For the younger children and teenagers, emotions can be very confusing. At any given time, things and circumstances around us change, which sometimes makes us feel different. As many would say; emotions are like rollercoasters going up and down,...

Be the Change You Want to See In Your Communication
January 7, 2020

A common issue that I encounter in my work as a counselor is communication problems. Most of the time we think of communication problems being exclusive to couples or marital counseling, but the reality is communication problems can be...

‘Tis the Season for Sensitivity
December 19, 2019

While most professions do what they can to wind down as we near closer to Christmas and New Year’s Day, I’ve found myself ratcheting up with client crises here in the counseling world. See, I have the blessing and...

Effectively Navigating Change
December 16, 2019

Fall is approaching and there will be significant changes in our world. Leaves will fall and the temperature will as well. This is a change that we expect to happen each year. Expected changes can be nice however does...

The Poverty of Pity
November 12, 2019

As someone who holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature, I’m very aware of how tricky words can be. For instance, pity is often used synonymously with the term compassion, but the two couldn’t be any more different.  Compassion...

More than a “Bad Mood”: Identifying Teenage Depression
October 21, 2019

Adolescence is riddled with changes, being a teen means wrestling with identity, self-image, belonging, and much more. There are constant transitions which can be confusing and difficult for parents and teens to navigate. We know another contributing factor is...

The Art of Skill Building
June 10, 2019

Before becoming a Licensed Professional Counselor, I spent some time working as a behavior aid at school specifically for students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis. One of the lessons that stuck with me from that experience is that...

Navigating Blended Families Road Bumps During the Holidays
December 13, 2016

Holidays can be stressful.  Who do we need to buy presents for?  What should we get everyone?  Which family member are we celebrating with this weekend?  When are we going to decorate the tree?  What on earth are we...

Talking to Kids about Divorce
June 23, 2016

  I can recall being 5 years-old and asking my mom and dad, what seemed like 99 questions, such as, “Why are we moving?”, “Why do I have to go to a new school?”, or “Why can’t we spend...